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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

My Don the Beachcomber sign...

Pages: 1 8 replies

Bogielocks posted on 04/03/2008

Hey Folks,

My friend Leo whipped up this wonderful 14" x 22" Don the Beachcomber sign for my wall. As you can see, it was made from a scan of the coaster.

The highlights may look black, but it's actually espresso brown. All we did was seal it with some polyurethane. It looks really cool.

Love to hear some feedback


Tucson Tiki posted on 04/04/2008

How can I get one. That's cool. You should sell them.

tikiskip posted on 04/04/2008

Try putting some fire to one of them.
Then use amber shellac.
For that old look.

whiskeyblood posted on 01/30/2010

I love it. You guys could do a whole series of vintage Tiki signs. I'd love one or three!

Trader Bob posted on 01/31/2010

Looks Great!
Whats its construction?
Trader Bob

Swanky posted on 02/01/2010

Now take a router and remove all the black lines...

Tikilizard posted on 02/01/2010

Nice! What's it made of? I agree, you should sell them.

kalenatiki posted on 02/03/2010

I agree.....more info please... looks great

whiskeyblood posted on 02/03/2010

router? ...Uh no, that would ruin the BROWN highlights. It looks pretty killer as is to me

Pages: 1 8 replies