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The Cheap Leis at Pappy and Harriet's This Saturday 4/5/2008

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SoccerTiki posted on 04/04/2008

Check out this fun act: http://www.myspace.com/thecheapleis They'll be at Pappy and Harriet's Pioneer Town Palace just north of Yucca Vally this Saturday night. Great food Great fun! http://www.pappyandharriets.com/index.html

If anyone is heading up to the high desert to check them out I'll have the Sand Shack in Yucca Valley open Saturday afternoon for some pre-party partying! PM me if you're interested.


inkylouise posted on 04/05/2008

sounds like fun!

mrsmiley posted on 04/05/2008


WooHooWahine posted on 04/07/2008

WoooHoo! The Cheap Lei's were Tiki-rrific! Mucho Mahalo to Tigerlily, Inkylouise, & Mrsmiley for making the trek out to Yucca Valley to go to Pappy & Harriets. SoccerTiki will post his pics soon :)

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2008-04-06 18:57 ]

Tigerlily posted on 04/07/2008

Thanks Soccertiki and WoohooWahine for a great weekend in Yucca. The sandshack rocks and also the Cheap Leis at Pappy & Harriets. It was fun to meet the stylish Inkylouise and MrSmiley. The flea market what an experience and I found a vintage tiki dress for $4.

[ Edited by: Tigerlily 2008-04-06 23:24 ]

inkylouise posted on 04/07/2008

What a great time! The Cheap Leis were great and so was the rockabilly band that followed. There was alot of fun stuff in Yucca Valley area, but mostly the sand shack was the best tiki bar in the desert.

Soccertiki an WooHoo, thanks so much for posting and hosting! It was also great to meet TigerLily, glad you found some stuff at the flea!

SoccerTiki posted on 04/07/2008

Here's a few pics from Saturday night...
The Cheap Leis:

The lovely wahines that accompanied us to the hula how-down: Tigerlily, Inkylouise, Joyce and WooHooWahine

Inkylouise and MrSmiley getting warmed up at the table:

Now taking their act to the floor:

Hey, I found this farm girl all puckered up ready for a kiss! I don't think WooHoo got too jealous!

The other beauty of the desert:

All in all...Big Fun in the little town!!! WooHoo and I will be opening up the Sand Shack again in the near future...As always, all are invited! (just bring a sleeping bag and a pillow....and booze :P !)

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