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Las Vegas liquor stores - recommendations?

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54 house of bamboo posted on 04/06/2008


We will be in Vegas next week (Thurs 10 - Mon 15 April) and it's a chance to stock up on hard-to-come-by bar items.

Any recommendations for liquor stores?

Thanks in advance!

I-Tiki posted on 04/06/2008

Hey 54... I am going there for NAB next week as well. Up for a meet & greet. I would suggest Trader Vic's, but based upon the recent reviews....

PM me if interested.


Koolau posted on 04/06/2008

I believe you have similar rules in the UK, but just a reminder that you will not be able to take bottles into the airplane cabin, so plan ahead on how your treasures will be getting back home.

Enjoy - Vegas is great fun for a couple of days - then it's overload. BTW - I had a good experience at TV Las Vegas. The drinks were good, the servers friendly, and the outdoor lanai a pleasant place just to sit for awhile. I didn't try the food, but TV food has never impressed me anyway.

Jason Wickedly posted on 04/06/2008

On 2008-04-06 05:06, 54 house of bamboo wrote:

We will be in Vegas next week (Thurs 10 - Mon 15 April) and it's a chance to stock up on hard-to-come-by bar items.

Any recommendations for liquor stores?

Thanks in advance!

Are you going for Viva Las Vegas? The Orleans hotel has a pretty decent liquor store with higher end booze. We're planning a trip to Trader Vics as well on Wednesday or Thursday, if only to have a Mai Tai or three and pick up some supplies for the rest of the weekend. Again, if you are in fact going for VLV, there will be a tiki bar at the car show on Saturday as well. Good times!

54 house of bamboo posted on 04/06/2008

Jason Wickedly
Yes, we are there for VLV, too... quite a few TC going.


Yes, same rules here but checked luggage is OK - if you pack carefully!!!! Boxed bottles work fine.

Tikitatt posted on 04/07/2008

When I lived in Vegas this is the place I would frequent damn near daily. They have a great selection and can even find hard to get items too. In fact, I still have my hand pump for my keg I "acquired" there. The one located off of Las Vegas Blvd. is at the begining of the stip. Have fun!!!! Oh, I'm sure there's a Bevmo there too but don't have their info.

Lee's Discount Liquor
7411 W Lake Mead Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89128

Lee's Discount Liquor
9110 Las Vegas Blvd S
Las Vegas, NV 89123

mrsmiley posted on 04/08/2008

This Lee's is huge!
Lee's Discount Liquor
(702) 364-2600 9355 W Flamingo Rd
Las Vegas, NV --but it is about 20 minutes from the Gold Coast--go only if you rented a car!
Most Lee's have a product called Tiki Tequila in an interesting tiki glass bottle.

Also, not too far from the Sahara is Town Pump Liquors
(702) 735-8515 953 E Sahara Ave
Las Vegas, NV Map which has some interesting brands packed into a relatively small store.

TorchGuy posted on 04/26/2008

The only Lee's I've been to is the one on Flamingo, but it is indeed HUGE. It's worth the trip. And they stock Luxardo Maraschino. (Avoid the brand called Stock Maraschino. Not nearly as tasty). This trip, I'm hoping to find out whether they stock "magic in a bottle" aka St. Germain, a must-try... And, if I'm extremely lucky, they'll have Creme de Violette. I'll put it this way - I asked the tender at Fontana Bar at Bellagio where to get this, that and the other unusual stuff they had. He told me to go to Lee's.

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