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The Quiet Village podcast

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Digitiki posted on 04/07/2008

Announcing the newest tiki podcast: The Quiet Village

You can spend some time in the Quiet Village by going to:
http://www.digitiki.com/podcast.htm where you can subscribe.

Not yet available through I tunes, but offered through Podcast Alley and Pod-Planet. Or you can simply paste the supplied URL on the podcast page of DigiTiki web site into your iTunes to automatically subscribe.


"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." -- Dean Martin

[ Edited by: Digitiki 2008-04-07 11:08 ]

[ Edited by: Digitiki 2008-04-07 12:05 ]

Digitiki posted on 04/07/2008

First episode up and available for download!
The first episode features a special interview with Tiki Kiliki, the producer of the Hukilau and an audio trip to the Tiki-Ti bar in Los Angeles.

tikiyaki posted on 04/07/2008

Nice work !

The Ooga Booga chant from the Tiki Ti is especially entertaining.

Digitiki posted on 04/07/2008

Thanks! More exciting episodes are in the works!!

Kenike posted on 04/07/2008

Wow...and it's even an "enhanced" podcast! Nicely done..great sound...I even learned a few things. I also enjoyed the sounds of Tiki Ti being someone who's never had the experience. Now I REALLY want to go.

I, Zombie posted on 04/08/2008


Nicely done!

I, Zombie

vegasvic posted on 04/08/2008

Bravo! Well done


GatorRob posted on 04/08/2008

Ditto the above comments! And the sound quality is good too. That's always a plus. Looking forward to more!

Digitiki posted on 04/08/2008

Thanks! Yeah, I wanted to try to capture the feel of just sitting at the bar. I'm gald you liked it. I wasn't sure if people would like that part of the podcast or not.

Digitiki posted on 04/08/2008

THanks Vic! I'm a fan of your podcast! I've got every episode saved in my iTunes!

John in Montreal posted on 04/09/2008

Had a chance to listen to this last night... very, very enjoyable! Well-done.

Kawentzmann posted on 04/09/2008

I liked it too. Good flow, and mix of new and old. Have to listen once more, because one track was especially awesome and I can’t remember the artist right now (I was working along).

The Granite Tiki posted on 04/09/2008

Great listen!!

Your production quality and style give it a very Public Radio feel which I love!

It's very polished.


Digitiki posted on 04/14/2008

New episode available now!

rupe33 posted on 04/14/2008

BRAVO on episode 1. The ambient recording of Tiki-Ti made me feel like I was there; huzzah! Fantastic idea and fantastic tunes. Sound quality is excellent as well. Thanks for this podcast, my subscription awaits the next episode...


Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki posted on 04/16/2008

Hey DigiTiki, we really enjoyed the 2 Quiet Village podcasts. Keep 'em comming.


Digitiki posted on 04/17/2008

Thanks for the kind words! Got episodes 3 & 4 in the works with more interviews and some rare exotica as well!!

Vonratnick posted on 04/24/2008

Gratefully recieved, much appreciated.

Good stuff, keep em coming!

Digitiki posted on 04/24/2008

I've got a killer interview with Tikiyaki of the Tikiyaki Orchestra in the upcoming QUiet Village #3 along with a rare, unreleased Tikiyaki Orch. track!! I must-have! New episode will be posted May 1.

Kahuna Kent posted on 04/28/2008

Thank you, Digitiki - Your podcast sounds great, and fills a void left by the retirement of Vegas Vic's Tiki Lounge. Look forward to future installments. Many kudos to you!

Digitiki posted on 04/28/2008

Yeah, I just notices that Vic is no more! It sad because his web radio station on Live365.com was what fueled my vintage exotica collecting bug! Vic, You did a great job!!!

Digitiki posted on 05/02/2008

Episode 3 now up and running--featuring interview with Jim Bacchi of Tikiyaki Orchestra + super rare unreleased Tikiyaki Orch. track!

alohacurrent posted on 05/02/2008

To Boss:

Gone to the Quiet Village. Be back much later....very possibly, we'll see.

[ Edited by: alohacurrent 2008-05-02 11:03 ]

Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki posted on 05/04/2008

Just finished listening to #3. Loved the music. Love the relaxed tone of your voice. Good interview with Jim Bacchi.The interview element sure does a lot to make a show more interesting. The only problem we have is that the show is too short.:D

The Hoptiki's

Digitiki posted on 05/04/2008

Yeah I toyed with the idea of making the show longer. I was just paranoid that it would be too big of a file to download. Would an hour be about right?

Vonratnick posted on 05/04/2008

Another nice set, thanks muchly!

Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki posted on 05/05/2008

An hour sounds good to me. MrHoptiki says two! But honestly, the podcast must be a lot of work to put together. Whatever you decide, just keep doin it :D.


rupe33 posted on 05/05/2008

Hi Digitiki!
Bravo on the podcasts!
Re: the length... I routinely download a daily radio show that runs near 1-hour segments (via iTunes) and have no problems with that.

That being said... the longer the podcast is, the more I tend to put off listening due to the time commitment. My suggestion would be keeping it between 30 and 60 mins; that way it doesn't take as long to create or listen to... and therefore frequency might increase!

I freely admit that Tivo and iPods are shortening my attention span far more than MTV ever could. :) Am loving the sound quality and sets - keep up the fine work!


Digitiki posted on 05/07/2008

Thanks! Got some killer shows in the works...rare tunes and I'm in the process of lining up some more interviews! Stay tuned.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/09/2008



Now that Coconut Wired and Vegas Vics are no longer pod casting, and Radio Bamboo never got past episode 3, I was getting worried about getting my exotica Podcast fix!

Great podcast! Really like the format. I think the length of more towards 60 mins is good. (I like a good long show to listen to while working). Exotica info, fantastic music, old and new, plus interviews from exotic locations with key members of the tiki tribe - really great!

Will you be doing any casting from any big events? It'd be great for us who live out here on volcanic islands, and can't get to them!

Keep it up!

Digitiki posted on 05/09/2008

Yes! in fact, I'm planning on bringing my field recorder to Hukilau this year and doing several interviews and soundscapes across a couple of episodes at least. I'm planning on an all-Hukilau 2008 episode.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/10/2008

An Tikioasis?

Mount Tiki posted on 05/15/2008

I can't thank you enough for the incredibly cool podcast! I've listened to the first 3 episodes over and over, and I can't wait for future episodes. Please, please, please keep it up. I know it must be an incredible amount of work, but thought I'd let you know how much it's appreciated. Sound quality is excellent, and the atmosphere and mood you've created is fantastic. Great work my friend!

Digitiki posted on 05/21/2008

I just wanted to chime in here and let everyone know that episode 4 is completed, but I'm in the middle of moving, so my internet is cut off until the first. I try to post 2 episodes a month, but #4 looks like its going to be pushed back until the first week of June. I've had some emails from people worried that I had stopped. Rest assured, I have some great episodes coming up. Number 4 is a fun one--spotlight on Japanese CD reissues of vintage Hawaiian LPs. There are some real rare treasures in it. So hang in there.

Mount Tiki posted on 05/22/2008

On 2008-05-21 10:30, Digitiki wrote:
I just wanted to chime in here and let everyone know that episode 4 is completed, but I'm in the middle of moving, so my internet is cut off until the first. I try to post 2 episodes a month, but #4 looks like its going to be pushed back until the first week of June. I've had some emails from people worried that I had stopped. Rest assured, I have some great episodes coming up. Number 4 is a fun one--spotlight on Japanese CD reissues of vintage Hawaiian LPs. There are some real rare treasures in it. So hang in there.

Thanks for the update! I'm really looking forward to it.

Rum Balls posted on 05/28/2008

Podcast #4 is posted...it automatically downloaded yesterday (Tuesday the 27th) when I opened my iTunes. Haven't listened to it yet, though...can't wait!

Mount Tiki posted on 05/28/2008

I've tried to download it through iTunes for the last couple of days. It keeps saying that the file may be corrupted. The other episodes have been fine....any ideas??? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[ Edited by: Mount Tiki 2008-05-28 14:50 ]

[ Edited by: Mount Tiki 2008-05-28 14:51 ]

Kenike posted on 05/28/2008

On 2008-05-28 14:50, Mount Tiki wrote:
I've tried to download it through iTunes for the last couple of days. It keeps saying that the file may be corrupted. The other episodes have been fine....any ideas??? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm having similar issues :(

alohacurrent posted on 05/28/2008

Yeah i don't think anything but the title of the podcast is actually posted yet.

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Vonratnick posted on 05/28/2008

I love these podcasts, but I'm having problems with 4 too.

Podcast alley shows the file size as 47.5Mb, but when I download I get about 20Mb of file, and an error message when I try to play.

RB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fdae76d91ed383a820535ea868d5921c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Rum Balls posted on 05/29/2008

As I said in my previous post, I hadn't listened to #4 yet...and encountering the same issues as everyone else. It's about a 20 mb file, and after it's done downloading, it's nowhere to be found. So until Digitiki says it's ready, I'd recommend stopping the automatic iTunes download.

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koopkooper posted on 05/29/2008

Yep same probs here, been keen to hear the next show but no luck with itunes.

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Digitiki posted on 05/29/2008

Sorry about that folks. I've been in the middle of moving to a new hut. So my internet has been cut off. I can only check my email and occasionally Tiki Central at work. I tried to get #4 episode up and running on a friend's computer and screwed it up somehow. I should be all moved in in the next 5 days and my first order of business is to re-upload the episode and get that working. Sorry about all the error messages.

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"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." -- Dean Martin

[ Edited by: Digitiki 2008-05-29 08:25 ]

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slapbass posted on 05/29/2008

Hmmm....Maybe time to to bring in those Honkey Tonk Badboys The Jamesons for some good ol honkey tonk outlaw songs..Is it tiki..No..Would it be fun..Hell yeah..
We'll bring the rum..Hope all is well Mr Digitiki!!!

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Digitiki posted on 06/04/2008

Just got word, The cable company is coming out to install high speed internet in my new hut on June 6th. So, expect to have episode 4 fully functional and downloadable by that evening. I'm already working on #5 and #6 will be a Hukilau 08 specail!!

Man, having no internet is light having your right arm cut off!!!

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"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." -- Dean Martin

[ Edited by: Digitiki 2008-06-04 10:04 ]

V Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3067058efd03ae02a94536c3a401e8c7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Vonratnick posted on 06/05/2008

Looking forward to it!


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Digitiki posted on 06/08/2008

Episode 4 finally up and running! Enjoy

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Barteld posted on 06/08/2008

Absolutely fantastic!

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