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Hugh Hefner and Trader Vics

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ikitnrev posted on 04/10/2008

I found this bit in the news, about Hugh Hefner being sighted at the Vegas Trader Vics. This is the first time I've heard about someone ordering a milk and a mai-tai together.'

*"Hugh Hefner's eccentric dining habits were on display over the weekend. Hefner, whose routine includes faxing instructions to his restaurants of choice, ordered his usual at Trader Vic's on Saturday. A regular at Trader Vic's in Beverly Hills, Hef ordered chop suey, mashed potatoes, a tall glass of milk and a Mai Tai. The Palms, which has an exclusive contract with Coca Cola, had to ship in Pepsi for the Playboy founder. "And it has to be opened in front of him," *

croe67 posted on 04/10/2008

& one of his visits is even caught on film.

I'm sorry to say it's on the series "The Girls Next Door", when he takes his 3 girlfriends for a birthday celebration....looks like they are in a private room, as opposed to the main dining room. Might be able to find it online or catch it in a re-run :)

dangergirl299 posted on 04/10/2008

I heard a funny story from a fellow TC'er - I think it was Weird Uncle Tiki - about running into Hef and his 3 identical girlfriends at Trader Vics.

Jungle Trader posted on 04/10/2008

Yah, Hef designed a room at one of the hotels there for himself. You can dole out 40,000 clams a night and have it for yourself....and your girlfriends.

Thomas posted on 04/11/2008

The Palms, which has an exclusive contract with Coca Cola, had to ship in Pepsi for the Playboy founder. "And it has to be opened in front of him..."

This reminds me of a hilarious recounting of when the Grateful Dead were on his show, "Playboy After Dark," in the book "Living With the Dead" (Scully). Owsley Stanley ("Bear") has spiked the coffee urn with LSD and people are starting to freak out:
The show is all about achieving the ultimate after-shave attitude. Bunnies in their bunny outfits are running around with trays of hors d'oeuvres. ... One of the bunnies begins to strip. ... He [Hefner] sees his suave-to-the-max trip beginning to crumble and he freaks.
"Shel! Shel [Silverstein]!" Hefner is shouting. "What's going on? This isn't part of the script!"...
One of Shel's jobs is to make sure no one doses Hugh Hefner, which Owsley is trying like crazy to do. But Hefner only drinks Coca-Colas, sealed Coca-Colas. ... The Coca-Cola bottle-opening ritual is as elaborate as any at the Sultan's court. Hefner's valet sits on the royal stash of Coca-Cola bottles like a hen on eggs. When Hef wants a Coke, Shel goes over to the valet, who opens one and gives it to Shel, who hands it to Hef.

So, has Hefner switched brands since then, or is Scully's recollection faulty?

croe67 posted on 04/11/2008

On 2008-04-10 10:24, croe67 wrote:
& one of his visits is even caught on film.

I'm sorry to say it's on the series "The Girls Next Door", when he takes his 3 girlfriends for a birthday celebration....looks like they are in a private room, as opposed to the main dining room. Might be able to find it online or catch it in a re-run :)

Revise that - it's a Valentine episode & it happens to be on E! right now....weird that this was brought up on TC today & the episode is on tonight....

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