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Bamboo 54

Pages: 1 4 replies

Screwey4Bambooey posted on 06/02/2003

While driving to the San Gabriel nursery, I stumbled on Bamboo 54, and am truly impressed. I got their card, but I'm not sure if the address is for this store, but it says they are at 2836 N Durfee ave El Monte Ca.

Time to start saving up for the very Lono ala tiki gardens totem planters.

Their website is http://www.bamboo54.com

Anybody seen this place?

Screwey4Bambooey posted on 06/04/2003

Just noticed a handwritten address on the back of the card, this particular location was
315 N. San Marino ave
San Gabriel ca 91775

REALLY QUITE part of town.

christiki295 posted on 06/04/2003

Nice find. I purchased a concrete moai garden statue at a nearby statuary shop.

Is it Bamboo 54 as in the formerly New York now Las Vegas MGM Grand Studio 54 or like the football snap cadence, Blue 54?

MakeDaMug posted on 06/04/2003

If there's "Bamboo" in the name and if they're offering up tiki - then my only response is to head to the original and my bud, the grandson of Ely Hedley (the ORIGINAL BEACHCOMBER)... Bamboo Ben's in HB, CA!!!

Screwey4Bambooey posted on 06/05/2003

The VAST majority of their stuff is Bamboo, very little tiki, surprisingly little given how tiki is the hot thing now.

I just thought it might be near any members who might be interested.

Is that a bad thing?

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