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eBay: Tiki Bar with lots of tiki collectibles.

Pages: 1 10 replies

mikepattonisgawd posted on 04/17/2008

We have a tiki bar that we absolutely MUST get rid of right away, as we live in San Diego and are moving to Seattle on Monday, April 21st.
Local Pick-Up only, as I would have no idea how to ship something this large.

Please take a look and MAKE ME AN OFFER, this stuff has gotta go within four short days. (eek!!!)




[ Edited by: mikepattonisgawd 2008-04-17 14:52 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 04/18/2008

Oh no, it's a complete Tiki purge!!!:

Is this perhaps a case of "Divorce Tiki" !? (aka "Either the Tiki stuff goes or I do!") :D

beadtiki posted on 04/18/2008

Why in the name of all that is Tiki would you want to leave sunny San Diego for drippy old Seattle?! Didn't you hear it's gonna snow on Saturday - and not just in the mountains!?! I would trade you living spaces in a heartbeat!

Oh and REALLY nice bar and barware. Unique stuff. Like those "tweed" glasses (they always reminded me of a tweed jacket!)

Well, in all reality, welcome to the Emerald City, f/k/a Jet City and f/f/k/a the Queen City (don't know about that Queen City but there is a large contingent of gay folks around here!) Seriously (if I can be) welcome to the neighborhood. When it comes to Tikiphiles I always say the more the merrier!

Good luck with your auction.

TikiLaLe posted on 04/18/2008

Calling the old man an 'Average Joe'..... that hurts !!!!

Love is grand
Divorce is a 100 grand !!!

Unga Bunga posted on 04/18/2008

Somebody should buy that for the Oasis room crawl.

Deckhand_Davy posted on 04/18/2008

Hey, that's a pretty damn good deal. Too bad I'm in TX :*(

thefuzz posted on 04/18/2008

Ug, another Californian. Seattle seem less Seattle and more little LA. Just another Cali not knowing how to drive in the rain. :P
But, all is good, with more people up north it will make the Earth tip slightly, and give us a little bit more light. We and especially our Governor welcome you and your wallet.

beadtiki posted on 04/18/2008

Gee Fuzz - I hope you're kidding about the Cali invasion thing - we have more people here from Wisconsin than California. Let's not forget how Cali must feel about all us rusty northwesterners fleeing the crap-ola weather for sun and sand. Stop perpetuating the "Stuck-up Seattleite" stereotype please.

thefuzz posted on 04/18/2008

Yes, I was just kidding about the Cali invasion.Sarcasm is hard to display using text. But, we do have plenty of stuck up Seattleites here as well, you just have to visit one of the 28,000 Starbucks in the city.

[ Edited by: thefuzz 2008-04-18 14:13 ]

Polynesiac posted on 04/18/2008

A+ on your screen name!

Fantomas is by far is most INSANE "project"

best of luck on your sale and the move

beadtiki posted on 04/19/2008

Phew! I was hoping there weren't any of those P-I SoundOff jerks here too! Yeah - sarcasm is VERY hard to display. Sorry to come down on you. Absolutely about the Starbucks crowd - ugh!

On 2008-04-18 14:08, thefuzz wrote:
Yes, I was just kidding about the Cali invasion.Sarcasm is hard to display using text. But, we do have plenty of stuck up Seattleites here as well, you just have to visit one of the 28,000 Starbucks in the city.

[ Edited by: thefuzz 2008-04-18 14:13 ]

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