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wanted ;witco fountain

Pages: 1 11 replies

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/20/2008

does anyone have a 7' mainlander witco fountain for sale?

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/21/2008

apparently you missed the thread about the aku tiki closing and auction coming up in june..they happen to have a witco tiki fountain....will probably be up fo auction...is it a mainlander?? not sure...check the thread and look at the pics....also, bring a fat wallet....see you there!!

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/21/2008

no,i did not miss it. i may be there. i am still torn between Hukilau and that auction. i just thought i might find a straight up bussiness deal on one now.you know, how it works,you have something ,you tell me what you would like for it, i make an offer . back and forth. we make a deal and thats it .everybody is happy.(insert smiley here)

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/21/2008

On 2008-04-21 02:34, TIKI DAVID wrote:
no,i did not miss it. i may be there. i am still torn between Hukilau and that auction. i just thought i might find a straight up bussiness deal on one now.you know, how it works,you have something ,you tell me what you would like for it, i make an offer . back and forth. we make a deal and thats it .everybody is happy.(insert smiley here)

..go to hukilau.....you will have a better time, it's the last hukilau at the mai kai..... how can you miss this event and call yourself a tikiphile?? you owe it to yourself and the organizers who work so hard at putting it together to go....there will be other fountains down the road, but never another hukilau like this one....just go!! (insert smiley here)LOL

besides....if you save your pennies, you can just order one from tiki central's own ken pleasant....and you will have a brand spankin new one!

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/21/2008

but ,that would not be the same ,now would it?

"just my opinion,i could be wrong"

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2008-04-21 14:56 ]

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/21/2008

you know? i should see if KEN can whip me up a couple outriggers for a couple outrigger canoes i have that need them. do ya think he would do something like that? You would think that witco pieces/parts replacement would be a good side line.

"just my opinion,i could be wrong"

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2008-04-21 15:01 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/21/2008

On 2008-04-21 14:59, TIKI DAVID wrote:
you know? i should see if KEN can whip me up a couple outriggers for a couple outrigger canoes i have that need them. do ya think he would do something like that? You would think that witco pieces/parts replacement would be a good side line.

"just my opinion,i could be wrong"

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2008-04-21 15:01 ]

why are you asking me?? ask ken...he's the one that makes them.

hala bullhiki posted on 04/21/2008

yeah, go to hukilau, im already gonna have to deal with "fat wallet" tipsy at the aku.......lol....just kiddin of course guys. see you at the aku if you decide to go david and dave

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/21/2008

do you think there will be others at that auction looking for witco?

hala bullhiki posted on 04/22/2008

i do think so, but dont listen to me, what the hell do i know

keigs20 posted on 04/22/2008

Thanks Tipsy, hey TD I did make an outrigger for a Witco outrigger about 5 years ago for someone. I sure I could do a few more. PM me.

RevBambooBen posted on 04/22/2008


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