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Tiki Cannisters

Pages: 1 5 replies

MauiTiki posted on 04/22/2008

I saw these Tiki Cannisters on e-bay. The have to be new. Does anyone know who makes them or where to get them? The guy on ebay wants almost $80 to ship them. The sizes are 11", 10" and 8" so they are pretty big.

Let me know if you have any info on these.

the same guy is selling these Salt & Pepper shakers, looks like from the same manufacturer.

Tiki-Kate posted on 04/22/2008

Check this thread

The 5-piece set is still available on the Surfwarez website for $34.95. They are manufactured in China and marketed by a company called That's Kooky.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/22/2008

i got the salt and pepper set....it's kinda cool lookin and i like the red canister but the other 2 are just way too corny and cartoony for me....

MauiTiki posted on 04/22/2008

On 2008-04-22 05:18, Tiki-Kate wrote:
Check this thread

The 5-piece set is still available on the Surfwarez website for $34.95. They are manufactured in China and marketed by a company called That's Kooky.

Thanks Kate! Why do the pictures on their website make them look so Pink? I like the colors above better. Did you get a set? How are the colors?

Tiki-Kate posted on 04/22/2008

The colors aren't bad. I like the brown one the best. The pink is pretty darn silly, but they all look cute in my kitchen next to my Clay Art cookie jar.

bigbrotiki posted on 04/22/2008

It's true, there are much worse examples in today's marketplace. Yet to me, COOKIE JARS are the specters haunting the much battered antique mall archeologist, the epitome of "collectables". Just like George Carlin said, isn't it funny (in the sense of "WHOSE shit is this?) how other peoples stuff is shit, and your shit is stuff! :D

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