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Has anyone seen these before ?

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TraderJohn posted on 04/24/2008

Does anyone have any background on these lamps ? or where may have come from ?

[ Edited by: TraderJohn 2008-04-23 19:01 ]

Psycho Tiki D posted on 04/24/2008

From Tiki Finds
timing is everything.....i picked up 4 of these on ebay.....i happened to tune in at the right moment to see an auction that was posted minutes before i came across it with 15 of these lamps with a buy-it-now of just $19.95 each!.....i immediately bought 3.....went back 5 minutes later and got one more. someone else bought 9 right off the bat and the last 2 went seconds later.......it was definately a rare" ebay moment".....

all were original and in really good shape...the shades had no holes or tears....

these lamps were similiar to the old lamps at hala kahiki....same pot metal double sided tiki figure in a copper color.....the seller claimed they were from a recently closed tiki bar in springfield, ohio.......

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2008-02-05 20:36 ]

I picked one of these up as well in Chicago in 2007

Wait a minute...same background in the photo...hmmm, Trader John, is this your lamp or Tipsy's?


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2008-04-23 19:17 ]

TraderJohn posted on 04/24/2008

I purchased 14 of them on ebay over the last few months, and I did use the photo's from Ebay for this post. Since the seller did not have much info on the lamps I was hoping someone on Tiki Central would.

JanetMermaid posted on 04/24/2008

Dang! I'm not greedy. Will you sell me ONE of them?

bigbrotiki posted on 04/25/2008

Ask and ye shall receive. They are 1980/90s Orchids of Hawaii Co restaurant lamps:

On 2008-02-06 08:31, bigbrotiki wrote:
If he had 15 lamps initially, it makes sense that they were from a restaurant originally. The price is a good deal considering that Orchids of Hawaii was selling these wholesale for 35.- bucks in 1992:

It's great you got the whole set up, the shade and the torch part are often missing when these pop up nowadays

But compared to the classic carved Trader Vic's Janus Tiki lamps (excluding the new Poly-Asian imports!), or any of the wooden lamps that were made by Oceanic Arts.....

....and especially the rare ceramic Tiki table lamps that were used at Stephen Crane's Luau and Kon-Tikis and at The Tahitian....

.....these Orchids of Hawaii metal lamps are at the esthetic tail end of the genre. Here is another nice one, the logo Tahitian Cannibal Carving from the Mai Kai:

TraderJohn posted on 04/25/2008

Thank you for the information

TraderJohn posted on 04/27/2008

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