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Miniature Polynesian Tiki Dwelling

Pages: 1 2 replies

Jungle Trader posted on 05/02/2008

Thought I would post this and see what happens. Perfect dwelling for you.........if you're 2 inches tall. Or if you have friends that are 2 inches tall. Maybe if you're drinking and you're feeling.........2 inches tall. The base measures 28" length by 18" wide and 21 inches tall. One of da kine, nothing like it in the whole world........in other words it's custom built. Great for your bartop or a shelf at eye level. Real palm bark on roof. $200.00. PM me with any questions you might have.
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Closeup of the entry, Tikis standing guard
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Yet another image. Closeup of the Mai Tais on a stick (Canadians love these) before you walk up the steps.

Stagger Onward Rejoicing

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2008-05-01 19:06 ]

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Sophista-tiki posted on 05/02/2008

THATS SO COOL, I have always wanted to make a mimiature tiki dweling. kina like aplay set,

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catmomma posted on 05/02/2008

I LOVE it! I have built a bunch of 1/12 scale dollhouses but never even thought about building a fun tiki dwelling!

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