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I had a dream...

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... that Sven was madly in love with me and following me everywhere I went.

What does this mean?


I don't know. You're a traveling Mai Tai?

I think Laney, PurpleJade, VintageGirl, Humuhumu, Shelly, TikiMel, FuturaGirl, CherryCapri, & Formikahini had the same dream.

I think it just means he has good taste.

Of course, Bong had that dream too...

I had a dream that individuals were not judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their tiki collection...

Well...I wasn't going to say anything, but since we're playing Tiki True Confessions...

I did have a dream that Sven was my next door neighbor and kept coming over to my house ALL THE TIME. I'm afraid I wasn't very nice to him. (I'd like to think that's not how I'd really behave.)

Um...are we sure he's in Germany? Perhaps surveillance cameras are suggested?

Jeez, I can't believe I said that. Pardon my silliness please.

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-04-30 21:52 ]

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-04-30 21:54 ]

....Joe".....sorry, I was thinking Nick Cave.

I had a dream I was lost in San Francisco. I was looking at a map of that area and I saw a town named "Suburban Hipster".
Just means I need to get out more often.


I had a tiki nightmare. Woke up at 3am thrashing and kicking. This is the honest truth. I'm not making this up.

Dreamt I came home after a weekend away and there were blank holes on all the shelves where my tiki mugs are supposed to be.

I checked the kitchen floor for stickiness and the backyard for butts to see if my son had a party in my absence. Maybe they drank out of the tikis and broke them - or perhaps he let his guests take them home as souvenirs.

He denied having a party and I believed him. Although his friends have always treated my tiki stuff with respect, there is usually evidence that they've horsed around with my chicken collection when I'm gone, and this time there was no such evidence.

I then accused him of selling the tikis on e-bay for astronomical sums of money. He wouldn't answer me until I tried to slap him. Then he mumbled something about giving them to grandpa, at which point I proceeded to throttle him soundly. That's when I woke myself up kicking and thrashing.

I must add that I would never strike my child in real life. He is not a mere ruffian, and I'm a poor relation of the artist.

The only obvious way I can interpret this nightmare is that I still must be in shock over what I discovered several months ago when I finally had time in my schedule to explore the internet.

I found that the obscure little hobby I'd been quietly enjoying for half a lifetime was no longer my exclusive and private domain.

It seems a tiki revival of sorts has been gaining momentum and is being embraced far and wide with a joie de vivre I never could have imagined.

Please excuse my ramblings.

kctiki wrote:
...there is usually evidence that they've horsed around with my chicken collection when I'm gone...

...I must add that I would never strike my child in real life...

Yeah, but would you choke your chicken?

Ba da bum, ching

Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Ok, I'm a TikiBong undergrad....so sue me.

On 2003-04-30 06:49, tikifish wrote:
... that Sven was madly in love with me and following me everywhere I went.

What does this mean?

Where did you go?
Did you and Sven fly through the air?
Did anyone forget to wear their clothes?
Did anyone laugh?
These things all have meaning.


If we are on the subject of dreams, I had one a few weeks ago and was just to freaked out to write it down. Here goes...I'm on a bus sitting next to a Chaka the monkey/man from Land Of The Lost, Baxdog comes out from behind a curtain dressed like Rip Taylor, throwing confetti and telling jokes. I'm scared and I want to get off the bus, Atomic Cocktail is the Bus Driver, I go up to Atomic and see he has a mini Sven in his shirt pocket, I get scared and beg him to let me off the bus, he just laughs and continues driving. Figure that one out

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-06-05 20:27 ]

Wow, that IS a nightmare! I'm shaking just reading about it! Atomic Cocktail...DRIVING!
OOOOOOOOH...scary stuff.

Tikifish, we have a worthy competitor in the Dream Olympics. (Has everyone checked out Tikifish's dream diary? Warning: Wear rubber pants.)

How much do you think that mini Sven would go for on eBay? I think there's a buyer in Japan.


THere is a place online that will make action figures of you if you send in a photo of yourself. I think they are about 250 bucks for the first one, cheaper after that. Surely someone in Japan would pay more than that for a Sven doll... or maybe even a Tikifish or Purple Jade doll!

i have this dream where a snake wearing a vest is rolling a big donut...

Tiki-riviera, where's Freud when we need him?

a Sven doll... or maybe even a Tikifish or Purple Jade doll!

And we could all hang at the Silverlake Tiki Dream House and make fun of Barbie's one cheesy little plastic tiki mug?

Would the Sven doll be, um...correct?
And I want mine on a Growing Up Skipper body.


A mini Sven, Atomic Cocktail, Baxdog impersonating Rip Taylor and a Monkeyman...I never said it was a nightmare :wink:

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-06-07 09:18 ]


On 2003-06-06 08:13, tiki-riviera wrote:

i have this dream where a snake wearing a vest is rolling a big donut...

Did this dream occur in the basement of the Alamo?

BTW - count me in for a Purple Jade doll.

[ Edited by: purple jade on 2003-09-07 21:00 ]


On 2003-07-07 11:16, purple jade wrote:

BTW - count me in for a Purple Jade doll.

I beg of you, please don't put it on the dashboard next to the Demon Toad!

Demon Toad?

You offend me, my dear lady.

Dare not call the new Tiki Toad Trip mascot demonic, any more so than you'd call the Marquesian pendant than hangs neaby demonic.

Or else, I may have my Purple Jade (voodoo?) doll in no less a position than riding astride the mighty and well-travelled plastic amphibian.

[ Edited by: purple jade on 2003-09-07 21:00 ]


I want a Purple Jade doll and a voodoo toad to go with my smiley faces and my lap-dancing moose. Screw collecting tiki mugs. That's so last week.

Come on, Tiki Riviera, let's talk about your big 'but'...


Have I mentioned how much I adore tikivixen?
Well, I do.

Aloha Purple-

I had a couple of "New Orleans" voodoo dolls (apprx. 10" high with gunny sack bodies, grass stuffing, ceramic heads (like the Scream), on sticks and I think his and hers style)that I never used and passed them onto someone else. They came with instructions and all. Will anything happen to me since they were intended for me (good spell or bad, that I never casted) and I gave them away? I kinda got freaked out after we found them in a box and being a dad and all, had to give them away! Just thought you'de know a little bit being your from the origin.

Mucho Mahalos


On 2003-07-07 17:14, Frenchy Polynesia wrote:
Come on, Tiki Riviera, let's talk about your big 'but'...

Everyone I know has a big 'but'.
And dreams of snakes with vests and doughnuts.
In the basement of the Alamo.
With Large Marge.

BTW, Frenchy, puttinng your URL in your sig is shameless self promotion. Don't you know that? :)

Anyway, PJ, leave it you you to pervert my reference to you 'riding' my toad. You KNOW I meant that in the most wholesome way possible.. to, wit: cowboy style, you on it's back and all. Never mind. I sense myself digging a hole here.

On to better things: we ALL adore Tikivixen.
Stop trying to be trendy.

She's officially COOL, unlike Shag, pirates, and whatever else.


On 2003-07-07 16:30, tikivixen wrote:
Screw collecting tiki mugs.

"Screw collecting tiki mugs"

It is amazing what a simple comma can do in changing the context of a sentence:

"Screw, collecting tiki mugs".

I like the latter better.

Relax, voodoo dolls need to be "activated", i.e. endowed with the spirit of the person you wish to influence, by including personal items, hair or fingernail clippings, or just modifying the appearance to resemble the person. If you didn't do any of that, the dolls are still in "stasis". Sounds like you might have had Day of the Dead dolls, I think.

[ Edited by: purple jade on 2003-09-07 21:01 ]

BTW, Frenchy, puttinng your URL in your sig is shameless self promotion. Don't you know that? :)

That's me, Frenchy 'Angelyne' Polynesia... :D

"I say we STOMP 'im, then we TATTOO 'im, then we HANG 'im... and THEN we KILL 'im!"

"I say... we let him go..."

Mahalos P-Jade! I feel much better now.

I had a dream the other day that Holden gave me a box of "Misfortunate Tiki Mugs" ( some of the rare ones too) and I built a bar and used the mugs to do a mosaic top and he put it up on the Farm site and it went for big bucks! And, we donated the cash to the next big TF event! Very odd dream! Do dreams ever come true???

Dammit Boobam, dreams come true, you got your own shop don't ya'. Sheesh! Be patient braddah, keep workin' hard and you'll suddenly............without warning,............ suddenly as the daze day go by find yourself living in a shotgun shack. HAHA. Then you'll say to yourself, ....How did I get here? As the daze goes by.......

"Driving a Bus", Hmmm... Sounds like a euphemism to me? Tell you what, DawnTiki, you can get on my bus anytime-it's always "Express", baby!

I have this recurring dream involving a filing cabinet, HummuHummu dressed as Aleta Queen of Mars and Crazy Al throwing feces at the Bronx Zoo. Go figure?

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