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more Jimmy buffet Taintage Rumor hope not true

Pages: 1 14 replies

151 proof posted on 05/09/2003

While in Key West this past weekend I was in one of Jimmy buffet's Margaritaville/ Cheeseburger stores, and found myself having a conversation with a local "parrothead" who will be attending the Hukilau, and told me among other things that thee Cheeseburger himself would be making an appearance too!! that's right I hope it's B.S. cause hey we really cant do nothing about it can we? it's just not right.first "Tiki time" now Hukilau? what the hell, where does it all end?

151 proof posted on 05/09/2003

sorry posted in the wrong place. should've been filed under "Events"

Trader Woody posted on 05/09/2003

On 2003-05-08 18:51, 151 proof wrote:
thee Cheeseburger himself would be making an appearance too!!

Someone please corner him, video camera in hand and make him apologise for his countless crimes against Tikimanity.

Trader Woody

tikijaksin posted on 05/10/2003

yeah and then beat the bastard with several of Basement Kahuna's biggest tiki weapons, put em in a box and ship em out to the west coast like that I can begin the "healing process" in the state of florida .

kahukini posted on 05/10/2003

I would pay good money for a picture of Buffet and Sven shaking hands! Much more fascinating than that Reagan-Gorbachev summit.

ikitnrev posted on 05/10/2003

I would not be upset if Jimmy Buffet were to appear at Hukilau - it might even be nice if he were to get on stage and sing a few Martin Denny songs with one of the bands (as long as he doesn't then try to start a 'Margaritaville sing-along)

Who knows, Buffet might even be inspired by the whole event that he would throw some of his fame and resources into the whole area of mid-50's architecture preservation. There are lots of cool motels and tourist attractions in Florida that could use some help to prevent from being torn down. Buffet has shown that he likes tiki - maybe he will continue along that retro path.


Nineveh posted on 05/19/2003

There are a lot of very good Jimmy Buffett songs, much, much better IMHO than the four or five radio-friendly frathouse ones that the average parrothead is stuck on. Blue Heaven Rendevous and Bob Robert's Society Band come immediately to mind.
I don't mind Jimmy at all, in fact I like him. It's the beachball-tossing Cult of Margaritaville in strange, enormous headgear who I can't take. (Yes, I know, not all parrotheads are like that but the loud obnoxious ones drown out the others.)
Unfortunately anything he likes they are going to investigate, misunderstand, and potentially foul. There are just enough similarities to spell disaster.
They remind me of the Cult of Emeril. I mean, how worked up does one really need to get about pork fat?
I'd take the dimly-lit, rum-soaked serenity of a Hala Kahiki type Tiki bar over sun, sand and tequila any day.

hanford_lemoore posted on 05/20/2003

har har about beating him up ... but hopefully if he shows up this will be a way to convert him with kindess. You know, show him what it's really about, explain how Rum is more for Tiki then Tequila, explain how Tiki is really designed to be enjoyed by classic exotica, lounge, and surf rather than carribean rhythms. Politely.

twowheelin'tiki posted on 06/03/2003

How P.C.!, WET BLANKET ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!

stantiki posted on 06/04/2003

As far as Buffett showing at Hukilau, I can assure you 99% he will not. There may be some confusion as there are scenes of the abandoned Hukilau in Key West running in Jimmy's new tour. The Hukilau was bought and is being turned into a Kia Dealership, though owner tells me he wants to keep the bar intact. JB does have an interest in preserving these landmarks. Preserve the fun.

[ Edited by: stantiki on 2003-06-04 10:25 ]

Swanky posted on 06/04/2003

There is a James Smorgasbord who is in the Penthouse at the Holiday Inn, but not under the Hukilau rate, but it's probably just a coincidence....

I think Mr. 151 is a trouble maker of ill repute. Now, the rumor that Alfred Apaka Jr. is coming to Hukilau is another story...

Kailuageoff posted on 06/04/2003

Too bad about the Hukilau in Key West... Drove by its boarded up building in April and it was pretty depressing. I would like to see some photos of it in its heyday, if anyone has some to post.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 06/09/2003


I don't have any postcards depicting the Hukilau Lounge....Yet. But I do have this cool julep/hurricane glass, (I never know which is the right term), that has some great tiki imagry on it. I suspect it's vintage - I don't know when the Hukilau closed down.


Kailuageoff posted on 06/09/2003

Mahalo Sabu.
I have those same Hurricanes. I think it closed fairly recently. TheJab & MrSmiley went there a couple years ago, I think.

tikijaksin posted on 06/09/2003

I had dinner there ,and drinks with a couple of friends right before they closed down .they had no tikis inside at all but has a nice dark tropical tiki feel to it with lots of bamboo furnishing , poles,and palm fronds all over.outside there was a couple of big tikis though. I have pics ,will try to post em if I can find em .the carver who tiki carver who Taught me a whole lot works out in Islamorada, and told me about that place and others from "back in the day" sad to see it was sold to make some new crap.I wonder what happened to the tikis though?

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