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How do you pronounce maori?

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I was just watching the new LOTR dvd, and in it Peter Jackson mentioned something about maoris when he was talking about their polynesian choir. When he said "maori," he pronounced it "MAOW-ree", but in my head I've always pronounced it "may-O-ree." It looks like the dictionary lists it both ways. Which way do you guys pronounce it?

I go with MAOW-ree when I say it out loud. (But pronounce it MAY-OR-REE in my head when I'm typing it out, so that I spell it correctly!)

Trader Woody

I belive its pronounced "MOW-REE". At least that's how I've always heard it...

MOW as in lawn mower?

The way I say it rhymes with cowrie, the little shell.

Trader Woody

[ Edited by: Trader Woody on 2002-11-28 10:25 ]

Humuhumu wrote:
Which way do you guys pronounce it?

I go with "May-or-ee".
May: as in the month of May
Or: as in ordinary
ee: as in bee

I believe PolynesianPop says it the same way, since I heard him pronounce it like the above. Also, Wes (House of Tiki) and Baxdog does too. We just happen to be having a conversation about the Maori carving that Wes had at his parking lot sale.

Sugar: as in I'm sweet as hell, damnit!
Caddy: as in my '64 Cadillac.
Daddy: yes, I am one.


Think of Mao as in Chairman Mao, or Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow. Or M- OW as in the sound you make when you stub your toe. The Ri is REE. Put the accent on the first syllable, MAO-ri. That is the way I have always heard it pronounced. Maybe we have some New Zealanders here that can give us a definitive answer.


[The way I say it rhymes with cowrie, the little shell.

Trader Woody

[ Edited by: Trader Woody on 2002-11-28 10:25 ]

thats how cowrie with a M

PiPhiRho is correct. After contemplating whether or not I was thrashing this word by my 'Americanized' pronunciation, I decided to check on exact pronunciation. I found the answer, and can only show you if you have America On-Line:

Sign on to your AOL screenname,
Go up to the top and Click the "EDIT" file,
and scroll down to "Dictionary".
Enter "Maori", then click "Look Up".
It will give you the definition...
ACROSS from "Definition", click on "Pronunciation Key".
It will then play the mp3 file for correct pronunciation, so make sure your volume is up.

I tried copying the file, but when I tried the playback, the word kept cutting out. It's probably an AOL thing.

Anyway if you're on AOL try it.


You say toe-may-toe and I say toe-mah-toe. Let's call the whole thing off...

I pronounce it Throat Warbler Mangrove.

Thank you. :D


I think with an american accent try this...
now remove the L
so You would say 'Moudy'
lighten up on the d to make is sound like a
rolled r
practise practise
find some maori language on youtube and listen to how they say the word
practise some more
Language is like any skill
requires practise

and if you really wanna know stuff it takes
investigation, application observing and reflecting
if the information is out there,
to choose not to look for it shows some
degree of ignorance or laziness

Te Kai a te Rangatira he Korero
Te Wai a te Rangatira he Matauranga
Te Kahukura a te Rangatira He Tangata,
He Tangata,
He Tangata.

The food of chiefs is discourse
The drink of chiefs is dissertation
The cloak of Chiefs is people
Just people
and only people.

[ Edited by: Tikimaori 2008-05-27 05:28 ]

Kia-ora ehoa ma .
never say "may-O-ree." never ever say it that way .

Peter Jackson has it right .
it is a two syllable word .

Maaow-RRRe first syllable is longer that the second
'Maa' as Ma and Pa

'ow' as in you dropped a brick on your bare foot

'ri' with a rolling 'R' , as the Scots do ,

and a definite 'EE' sound


And there is no 's' in te Reo Maori . In te Reo 'te' before the word is singular , 'nga' before it , is plural .
In English the context will get the point across.
Some say "well this is English we are using so its ok "
.... ok for sheeps maybe .

Learn with you ears , not your eyes .

Hi folks ,

I'm new here , this is me first post ,


[ Edited by: Toataiaha 2008-05-27 09:30 ]

[ Edited by: Toataiaha 2008-05-27 09:40 ]

On 2008-05-27 05:57, Toataiaha wrote:
Kia-ora ehoa ma .

Peter Jackson has it right .
it is a two syllable word .

Hi folks ,

I'm new here , this is me first post , hehe


Yeah, what he/they said!

Kia ora guys! Haere Mai!

On 2008-05-27 05:24, Tikimaori wrote:
I think with an american accent try this...
now remove the L
so You would say 'Moudy'
lighten up on the d to make is sound like a
rolled r
practise practise
find some maori language on youtube and listen to how they say the word
practise some more
Language is like any skill
requires practise

and if you really wanna know stuff it takes
investigation, application observing and reflecting
if the information is out there,
to choose not to look for it shows some
degree of ignorance or laziness

Te Kai a te Rangatira he Korero
Te Wai a te Rangatira he Matauranga
Te Kahukura a te Rangatira He Tangata,
He Tangata,
He Tangata.

The food of chiefs is discourse
The drink of chiefs is dissertation
The cloak of Chiefs is people
Just people
and only people.

[ Edited by: Tikimaori 2008-05-27 05:28 ]

Tenakoe te Tuakana

Ko Jock tenei,
no Aranui ahau .

On 2008-05-27 06:09, Tamapoutini wrote:

On 2008-05-27 05:57, Toataiaha wrote:
Kia-ora ehoa ma .

Peter Jackson has it right .
it is a two syllable word .

Hi folks ,

I'm new here , this is me first post , hehe


Yeah, what he/they said!

Kia ora guys! Haere Mai!

Kiaora Poutini ,
kei te pehea ehoa ?

[ Edited by: Toataiaha 2008-05-27 06:20 ]

On 2008-05-27 06:14, Toataiaha wrote:

Kiaora Poutini ,
kei te pehea ehoa ?

Kei te pai! (well, kei te ngenge - it is 1.42am!heehee)

Welcome aboard Toatiaha! Are you in Ch-Ch/Banks penn.? Im sure you'll find this place a bit different than you're/we're used to: Tiki in every possible form. (please take the time to get to know the Ohana/Whanau before considering smacking anyone with that tiaha eh? Good people here with genuine intentions mostly..)

You into whakairo at all? Join us in the Carving Forum..

Good to have another Kiwi on deck. Grab a cocktail/beer and pull up a seat..

You into whakairo at all? Join us in the Carving Forum..

Good to have another Kiwi on deck. Grab a cocktail/beer and pull up a seat..

Kao ehoa , I don't drink .....
and I carve with me wood spinning at speed .

But ,
I have turned a big thistle , to be split down the guts , for corbels under a mantle-piece .
Foolishly I showed it to my mate Riki ..... now I gotta apprentice meself to his bench , to make it look like a real thistle .......

Chch , Papanui at the mo .

You ?

[ Edited by: Toataiaha 2008-05-27 06:52 ]

[ Edited by: Toataiaha 2008-05-27 10:06 ]

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