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Thatch in portland - what drinks to get?

Pages: 1 4 replies

Mr. Ho posted on 05/30/2008

recommendations? i need quality sips! I will be visiting portland next week.

Mr. Ho

Sofa King posted on 05/31/2008

My wife goes to Portland for work regularly. She has had their mai tai and mojito. She gave the mai tai high marks and could have done without the mojito. Are you gonna stop by the Alibi while your up there?

Sofa King

dogbytes posted on 05/31/2008

hey, drop melintur a line, he's tending bar there ... and would know what to order.

food-wise. dont miss the flaming pupu platter!

Bora Boris posted on 05/31/2008

I had a Fogcutter there and it was delicious.

Rum Balls posted on 06/02/2008

Be sure to let us all know when you're going to swinging by...I'd love to meet you and say "hi".

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