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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food

Drinks from Grog Log

Pages: 1 2 replies

Here is one of my fav drinks from Grog Log,the Sidewinder`s Fang.

Whats yours?

SIDEWINGER`S FANG: Dark jamaican rum, Demerara rum, Fresh Lime Juice,Passionfruit syrup,Club Soda..

[ Edited by: Little fragrant Tiare 2008-06-08 09:34 ]


That first picture is really beautiful. I suggest you re-post your photos and any comments on the drink in this old thread: Favorite drink from the Grog Log?

I make this suggestion because adding to an existing thread helps make Tiki Central a more useful resource for Tiki peoples everywhere. (Feel free to attempt to bite my head off, but I have a very thick neck.)

Thanks! i was looking for exisitng threads but still managed to miss it somehow..of course i shall re-post it!

No head biting...

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