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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

New Junk from Down Under

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SNIKI-STEVE posted on 06/11/2008

Been lurking a while and enjoying all the fantastic creations posted on this site. Certainly some amazing talent round this place.
I've been trying to carve for a while and really enjoying it.
Attached is some of my recent attempts. Also, made some casts of my pendants. this way i get to keep the originals and give away the casts.
Just thought i'd share.
criticisms encouraged.
Cheers -Steve

Tikilizard posted on 06/11/2008

Welcome to TC and I would hardly call them junk! :D That is exceptional work for just starting out. Some very nice original designs and respectable detail for the size. I really like the last one. Are those skulls in it's eyes? What material do you make the molds from?

Benzart posted on 06/11/2008

Yes, Welcome to TC, If you want to get rid of all your junk, I'll send my address and I will dispose of it for you:) :)
Actually it is not all junk and it would be considered good stuff so keep up the good work.

Paipo posted on 06/11/2008

G'day and welcome Sniki. Ex-Adelaide boy here, now firmly planted over the ditch. You've got some solid work there - nothing like starting your first post with a bang! It looks like you're not lacking in either talent or technical ability, so I expect we'll be seeing some good things in this thread down the track...

seeksurf posted on 06/12/2008

Welcome! nice tikis. I like the look on the red guys face
like he knows something?

Great pendants looks like your hooked.

SNIKI-STEVE posted on 06/12/2008

Cheers for the encouragement - this really is a supportive place.
I’m sure practice and more practice will improve my skills. & probably some better tools would help too, but heck I’m having fun trying.
Tikilizard, the moulds I got my brother in law to do as he's a wiz with that sort of thing. Not sure what the goop is called that we pour into the moulds, but it's a two part plastic type of thing. It wasn't the kind of stuff you buy at a hardware store - he gets it from a chemical supplier. I’ll see if I can get the ingredients/formula.
Yes that little red guy has a sinister smirk – he laughs at my frustration from his perch in my shed.
Paipo, an Adelaidean – really is a small world.
Thanks again everyone – you’ve made me feel very welcome.
I will post some more as they come.

mieko posted on 06/12/2008

Great stuff! It's likely that the stuff you're using is the same resin that I've been using for some similar stuff, Bowana put up a great step by step on how to use it a little over a year ago.

I like the colors, do you use tint then add some paint when they're done? I really like how you really have different outlines for the pieces - that's something that I'm not too good at yet, but is on my list to start working on next. :)

Welcome to TC!!


welcome to tc and keep up the good work .

SNIKI-STEVE posted on 06/16/2008

thanks Meiko - Yeah, we've tinted the casts but mostly the colour is done after. I just use a primer, detail with acrylic paints and then a few coats of polyurethane clear to protect them.

Here's another happy fellow i did over the weekend. He's more monster than tiki.

Tamapoutini posted on 06/16/2008

Kia ora Sniki - Dont know how I missed your intro, but Welcome to TC! Always good to have another from Down Under, they often miss the punchlines around here..

Good looking lollie-scramble of Tikis back there..

This one (and the light blue one in the first pic)..

..reminds me of a piece I made a while back:

Cuzzies from across the ditch..? :wink:

Toataiaha posted on 06/16/2008

On 2008-06-16 01:05, Tamapoutini wrote:
Kia ora Sniki - Dont know how I missed your intro, but Welcome to TC! Always good to have another from Down Under, they often miss the punchlines around here..

Good looking lollie-scramble of Tikis back there..

This one (and the light blue one in the first pic)..

..reminds me of a piece I made a while back:

Cuzzies from across the ditch..? :wink:

Well if thems the ugly sisters , Cinderellas' gunna be a dream :D

Gidday Sniki ,
Nice work there mate .
Is it heads only that you do , or full length figures as well ?

cheers ,

hewey posted on 06/16/2008

Hey mate, always good to see more Aussies on here :D Im in Sydney, but my g/f has good mates down in Adelaide, she's actually flying down in a week or so. Where abouts in SA are ya? Might have to say gday next time I make the trip down :D

Very cool tikis mate, nice work :D Make sure you post the rest of the wooden tikis you posted in the introduction thread - love the skull holder :D

Another place you might wanna check out is ozrodders hot rod forum :D

EDIT: By the way, is that a funky old 50s table you're taking the pics on? The ones with the ribbed chrome edges and chrome hoop style legs :D

There is "good" bad taste, and there is "bad" bad taste, and the difference of the two is in the eye of the beholder - Sven Kirsten

[ Edited by: hewey 2008-06-16 03:06 ]

SNIKI-STEVE posted on 06/18/2008

Hi Tama, yes i must give you credit for that one. I saw your design and i thought it was great. He was inspired by your design. Knowing i'd never get such fine detail as yourself, i simplified. Hope you like it Cuz.
Jock, i've tried full bodies, but i stink at it. The proportions always end up wrong. Guess i just need lots more practice.
Here's a larger fellow i tried a while ago.

Hewey, i'm in Adelaide - you heard of The Satellites? that's my band - please look us up when your in town. Skull holder posted again here.
50's table with chrome legs? - you betcha. Is there any other kind?

Here's another that will become a shifter knob

Paipo posted on 06/18/2008

I have a feeling this may be a futile question, but is there anything remotely tiki in Adelaide? Maybe a bar that makes a decent Mai Tai or a gallery or shop selling mugs or lowbrow art/ephemera? I'll be down visiting family on the South coast in October, but I'll be making a couple of trips into the city.

I was gonna ask about your table too - that 50s formica is pretty common here still. I saw a great set of table + 4 chairs at a garage sale here a while back for around a hundred bucks, and it was mint. We were very tempted...

PS looks to me like you don't have any trouble with proportion, that full-figure guy looks great!

hewey posted on 06/18/2008

Yeh mate, Ive heard of the satelites. They've got a good rep from what I hear. I'd definitely like to say gday next time Im down that way.

I agree, your full bodied work looks pretty good.

seeksurf posted on 06/18/2008

Yes, very nice they have a full flavor.

SNIKI-STEVE posted on 03/10/2009

It's been a long while since i posted anything here. Guess it's about time i shared my efforts.
I must try my hand again at the full body, but have been enjoying these creations.
The row of faces i intended to be shifter knobs, although stitchface might get his stitches pulled out with regular use. Not sure what i'll do with him.
My latest and favorite is the big one (bonenose). As much as i'd like to keep him, i'm gonna put a tag on him and see if he sells this weekend at an event i run called Kustom Kulture Weekend. Even if he doesn't sell he can enjoy the scene and soak up the cool music.
Have also dabbled with bone. Great fun to work with (despite the smell)

leleliz posted on 03/10/2009

I really like that shrunken head (?) piece with the stitching.

Your work has impressive detail.

hewey posted on 03/10/2009

Nice work! Digging the shrunken head dude and the new big guy! Awesome! :D

seeksurf posted on 03/10/2009

WoW! Bold Strong Full of life.

Featherstone58 posted on 03/10/2009

Wow Ive been an occaisional visitor and never realised there were other Oz Tikiphiles around...really impressed by your work..just gets better and better is there anyway of buying via net or anything short of a trip to Adelaide?

Greetings from the west coast


[ Edited by: Featherstone58 2009-03-10 06:31 ]

laojia posted on 03/10/2009

Very cool small work!! Like the shrunken head and the cyclop, the pins bellow the head is perfect to planting on a cake! :D
Which kind of wood use you? Australia is full of nice wood...(lace sheoak, red mallee,...)
And the skull-eye: terrific!!!

Aweulekuula posted on 03/11/2009


I think the one with the skull eyeballs is just too cool for words.



SNIKI-STEVE posted on 03/12/2009

Hey everyone, thanks sincerely for the kind words. Glad you like em.

Featherstone, I don’t have a website or anything like that for selling my gear, although I will probably try and get a myspace site set up or something to show some of my pieces. If there’s something you like, perhaps drop me a PM and will see what we can do.
Most of the wood I use is just what I pick up on the side of the road, when people dump their tree prunings. I’ve really got no idea what most of the wood is.

The big guy was a donated tree pruning from an Australian Sugar Gum (so I’m told).
Doesn’t seem to have split any more since completion, which is good. It’s got about 5 coats of oil on it for protection too.

Here's one i've just completed. Sure the one eye theme is more monster than tiki, but he was fun to do. Didn't really want to stitch his lips at first, but once i started on the eye i realised there wasn't much room left for a mouth, so i improvised.
His eye glows in the dark too and has a green emerald colour rhinestone deep inside the cats eye pupil. Very hard to see in the photos.
One-Eye is also from that same Sugar Gum, stained and oiled.


seeksurf posted on 03/12/2009

Another great carve love your deep full look.

big daddy posted on 03/12/2009

really nice carves. love the shrunken head with the stitching and the skull eyed tiki. your last one makes me think he might reside in homer simpson's basement. i like him alot.


AlohaStation posted on 03/12/2009

Fantastic. I really like the deep cuts!!

voodoo von benny posted on 06/22/2009

g'day mate...
gotta start off by sayin that i love the satellites, i go & see ya's every time that ya's play @ wintersun for about the last 5 or 6 years or so !!
the green eyed monster is rockin !
ive just started my 1st tiki carved out of a gum tree & i hope i get some of those splits.. its character building i rekon haha.

keeep rockin


Chippieleigh posted on 07/31/2009

AUSIE, AUSIE, AUSIE !... good to see other Skipys on T.C. Kick ass carvings man, I agree, your big ones are awsome. The sceine is gettin' stronger down here, Perth now has two venues with Tiki style to drink at
De Villes pad & Hula Bula Bar. I went to DeVilles last week and it was awsome, had a Horny Devil cocktail in a devils head mug which I got to keep, Pics soon.

hewey posted on 07/31/2009

More bloody Aussies on here, there goes the neighbourhood! :lol:

TheBigT posted on 07/31/2009

Wow, lots of great stuff here. Really love all the extra detail on your carves. They're all very cool looking.

SNIKI-STEVE posted on 08/05/2009

Hey there, it's been a while between posts.
Thanks everyone for the comps.
Since last post - i sold two tikis and bought some real chisels. Wow what a difference that makes.
Beno, did you get some good splits in the gum?
Hey more Ausies ~ that's great.
Thought i'd post this one. It feels like it's taken me forever to finish this guy. As with most carvings i've tried, I'm never completely satisfied.
This fellow was good fun to carve. he's done with that same Sugar gum after drying in my shed for about 12 months. Don't think those splits will get any bigger.

Watango productions posted on 08/05/2009

Great stuff Sniki,the crack'n looks good and the sugar
gum looks like it carves a treat.Cheers Watango

PalmCityTiki posted on 08/06/2009

Personally I love cracked tikis It ads to the mystic and ancient quality..... Very strong carving and thank you for sharing with us.

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