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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/22/2008

Yesterday's sunset:

I'm probably about 98% finished carving this guy:

Poor little tiki about to be eaten:

TDuddy: Thanks man!

Murph!: Welcome to the House of Buzz! I think I finally recovered from the weekend's adventures. Howz about you? You must have been dead on Monday...I was, and I didn't even do anything.

Seeks: Thanks bro! I'll be done with both quite soon now...

It's supposed to rain soon, and continue through Sunday. Looks like watering my lawn for the month of May is covered!

Buzzy Out!

LOL Tiki posted on 05/22/2008

Hey Buzz - cool cannibal, dude!

Cammo posted on 05/24/2008

Buzz -
here eet ees.



congatiki posted on 05/24/2008

Really nice cannibal, the little guys' head is great, makes me smile.
How does it feel to be in the "HOF"?

hiltiki posted on 05/24/2008

Buzzy, this piece look so complicated and I can't wait to see it finished. Looks like it's going to look fabulous as always.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/27/2008

Today's Sunset:

Happy Holidays!

While I was carving outside today, some old timey planes did a few fly overs:

The weather was just nice enough today to spend some time outside finishing the cannibal:

It's still pretty wet so it will be a while until I sand it.

Before I declared myself "finished," BuddyCat gave it a thorough looking over before giving it his stomp of approval:

It's a pain in the butt to download pictures the last few days so here's a quick update on what was going on around the factory:

There was a storm coming so I had to get ready for a weekend of rain.
Just a hint of a storm on the horizon:

The rain came but wasn't bad enough to require FEMA assistance, this time. I'm still waiting for my relief check for my ripped tarp. Damn government red tape!

Since it was cold and rainy, I moved operations into the "workshop" and did some rainy day activities.
I started by doctoring up a bunch of bamboo poles:

Then I made a sample stock tikibar sign with my newly enhanced bamboo:

And with some scrap I had left over, I made a couple of sample custom sign blanks:

Order yours today!

In other factory news, I took out my old fence the last couple of days and will be replacing it with some 8' x 8' x 2" bamboo panels tomorrow(and the next day...)
Here it is just before the final stages of dismantling:

Bye bye fence, hello bamboo!

On 2008-05-24 07:30, hiltiki wrote:
Buzzy, this piece look so complicated and I can't wait to see it finished. Looks like it's going to look fabulous as always.

Thank you very much Hiltiki. And one more thing, *. Hope to see you soon...

On 2008-05-23 17:45, congatiki wrote:
Really nice cannibal, the little guys' head is great, makes me smile.
How does it feel to be in the "HOF"?

It's great to finally be recognized for all my efforts. Now, if I could just get into the "Tiki Guy HOF", I will have then acheived all my highest goals and aspirations in life.

On 2008-05-22 11:51, LOL Tiki wrote:
Hey Buzz - cool cannibal, dude!

Thanks LOL. It's going to suck having to wait until I can sand and stain him. I want to see him done NOW!
There were a couple good learning experiences I had on this one and I am planning on doing a larger version of him one of these days.

Right now I have to think about what I want to do next...

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2008-05-26 22:29 ]

Bowana posted on 05/27/2008

HomerTiki and BartTiki.

"Why you little-!"

The cannibal is cool, Buzzman!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 05/28/2008

Hola Buzzy! Nice cannibal. What color stain are you gonna use? That bamboo fence is looking pretty solid. :) A few picts of this past weekends camping spot...Lanikuhonua on Oahu.

Passing pod of dolphins


benella posted on 05/28/2008

Hi Buzz, this cannibal is top shelf.


Tiki Duddy posted on 05/29/2008

Buzzy! the Cannibal is WICKED!!
Looks Great!

Paipo posted on 05/29/2008

Sweeet lil' Cannibal Buzz....I sure hope you're gonna do his two brothers? Seeing he's a picture-perfect realisation of the Kon Tiki menu guy, you could also kick him in for the upcoming swap. Would he fit in one of those poster tubes?

I can't compete with Freddie's scenery (palms trees are a little more picturesque than floodlights), but here's another Polynesian sunset for you:

GROG posted on 05/29/2008

Hey Buzzy. Here's the sunset on the Earth from space.

GMAN posted on 05/29/2008

The cannibal looks great Buzzy. He looks like he was a lot of fun. I'm glad Buddy Cat gave him the nod. Doves are yummy aren't they?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/30/2008

I don't know what day it is today, so I have no idea when this recent sunset took place in relation to the present time, nor do I have any knowledge of what the name of that period of time is referred to as in our language:

I had a fun little adventure over at Cammo's studio today. Check it here.

In other tiki related endeavors:

I made a couple more new signs with a wood background:

And I prepped enough bamboo to supply the letters for many many more signs:

I have one more distinctly different style to assemble still.

In yet still more "Other Projects" updates:

I turned this heavy pile of wood and bamboo...

...into this new fence on the southern border Rancho Buzzy.

It took a lot of tree trimming and trips to Home Depot for the right stuff to finally get it to work.

My eyes haven't adjusted to it yet.

On 2008-05-29 16:46, GMAN wrote:
The cannibal looks great Buzzy. I'm glad Buddy Cat gave him the nod.

Unfortunately, the new fence didn't get the Buddy Cat nod of approval, because now he has to walk all the way around.

Buddy Cat says: " I was hanging out here BEFORE they had any fences! What's this s#!^ ?"

On 2008-05-26 22:29, Bowana wrote:
The cannibal is cool, Buzzman!

I have to confess, I fired up the time machine again and looked into your future and saw you start working on one of these in a couple of years from now. Then I jumped another decade into the near distant future and looked very carefully at how you completed it. then I came back to the present and half assed my version of it in a couple of days. I think I may have inadvertently tripped a physics infinity time loop in the process, and you and I may be stuck making these for an eternity...Time will tell.

On 2008-05-28 03:37, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Hola Buzzy! Nice cannibal. What color stain are you gonna use? That bamboo fence is looking pretty solid. :) A few picts of this past weekends camping spot...Lanikuhonua on Oahu.

I'm thinking colonial maple for the hat, golden oak for the body, and dark walnut for the little guy. But I always change my plans at the last second when I stain...

Those pics bring back some fond memories...
Back in the 80's I worked as a kind of security guard and lived in the guest house
on a writer's estate in Hawaii. I got paid real well for doing virtually nothing, I got a nice company car to drive, and I got to have a part time side job. It was a really great time in my life!

Benella and Tduddy: Thanks guys!

On 2008-05-29 03:55, Paipo wrote:
Seeing he's a picture-perfect realization of the Kon Tiki menu guy, you could also kick him in for the upcoming swap. Would he fit in one of those poster tubes?

I can't compete with Freddie's scenery (palms trees are a little more picturesque than floodlights), but here's another Polynesian sunset for you:

Oh! Too bad I used the former Beverly Hills Luau/currently the Crowne Plaza Hut cannibal tikis for reference. Since it wasn't actually inspired by a menu, putting him in the swap would be against the rules, and rules RULE!
Out here they make cell phone towers look like palm trees. I think the next logical step is making all light fixtures look like trees. It's a future I look forward too...

On 2008-05-29 10:55, GROG wrote:
Hey Buzzy. Here's the sunset on the Earth from space.

I remember being astonished the first time I beheld that same view with my own eyes. I was on the Mir space station... Oh wait, I was actually watching Frank Mir on "UFC Unleashed" as I was dozing off... Frank Mir's a pretty good announcer...I bet Frank Mir could take Buffy.

It doesn't matter what time it is when you have a time machine. You can make it any time that you want it to be.
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2008-05-29 22:36 ]

Flat Black posted on 05/30/2008

Buzz, I haven't checked in a bit, and I LOVE the new cannibal.

For some reason they always end up being my favorites and yours is no exception.

Murph posted on 05/30/2008

Hey, those rolls of bamboo look familiar.
The fence looks great... It almost looks straight. :D

Benzart posted on 05/31/2008

Buzzy, I think you gotta watch that cat, he's eating your tikis and He's the Real cannibal here. Been missing any tikis around here?

Babalu posted on 06/17/2008

Hey Buzz Master...

You on vacation?

Maybe that cat slipped you and Kiva some acid and you just haven't come down yet?

It's almost time to make the "Buzz" Mug brother...I think we should make it so that you can drink out of it, and smoke out of it at the same time...straw one end...#@*! in the other :-) Lot's of Bling-Blang-Bling as well....I know that you don't smoke - noooo sir, but I'm sure that someone must have back in the day?

Call ya later...I need to use your burner!

If your off time traveling...well, I guess I'll see ya when I see ya.

It's lonely out here in Space.

pia tiki posted on 06/17/2008

Buzzy, how to you prepare those bamboo pieces? Is it just a few coats of polyurethane?

Paipo posted on 06/17/2008

I knew something was wrong around here lately. Almost 3 weeks and no action from the House of Buzz? What the hell is going on???

seeksurf posted on 06/18/2008

Most defiantly strange? Buzz you out there?

GMAN posted on 06/19/2008


Tiki Duddy posted on 06/19/2008

Buzzzzzzzayyyyyyyyyy!!!!! Come Baaack!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 06/21/2008

If yesterday was the longest day of the year, then it's all downhill until next spring. Post longest day of the year dusk shot:

With summer, comes an update for those of you who were wondering what's up at the factory these days.
Last month, the Tiki production division realized record sales. The month of June started with a frenzy of production activity to build up stock.

I had spent the winter holed up inside, working away on small stuff, researching traditional oceanic arts. With the days warm and long, a ready supply of logs, I embarked upon a mid century poly pop focus of larger scale.
Here's some works that reflect that focus in various stages of production:

Inspired by the "x" mug

Inspired by the peanut mug

Inspired by the Beachcomber and polynesian village menu tiki

Salt shaker Maori:

Stretched out version of a mug that I forgot what it was called



Angular stirrer stick tiki:

Two more six footers to get rid of less than perfect logs:

That takes care of the carving stuff.

Not to be outdone, the custom sign department met and exceeded its sales target for the month:

And, the bamboo enhancment production team has been pitching in too:

One more order awaiting delivery

It's been a very productive month. More to come...

Buzzy Out!

Tiki Duddy posted on 06/21/2008

Buzzy is BACK! welcome back buzz! looks like you've been busy, everything looks great!

GMAN posted on 06/21/2008


I'm sorry the winter was tough on you, but I am glad you were able to continue your research. I am happy that the carving, sign making, and bamboo departments have exceeded your projected earnings for this quarter. Must be the research.

Buzzatay is too kewl.


surfintiki posted on 06/21/2008

Whoah! Way to crank 'em out!

congatiki posted on 06/21/2008

NEWSFLASH....Economy Not So Bad After All, Bay Park Buzzy Inc
Reports Record Profits!

Great new stuff Buzzy, very enjoyable "catch up" post.

tikithomas08 posted on 06/22/2008

buzzy your an animal, man! no your a manimal! looks like the factory is working overtime

Cammo posted on 06/22/2008

Vote Buzzy for Change in 2008! Go Buzzy GO!

Glad you're whacking those out, ignoring those polynesian originals and going for the stretched-out-mug motifs. (That Beachcomber one stained up real nice!)

Billy the Crud posted on 06/23/2008

All of the new stuff looks great, Buzzy.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 06/23/2008

We'll start to notice that sunsets are now moving south on the horizon every day. Only a few more months until it sets on the ocean and behind the bay. Here is the last speck of today from the far north:

the movement of the sun reminds me of sunset based contests and that makes me think I need to start and finish HoKU's sunset prize before I have the next contest. I'd better hurry up...

My ultra happy moment came today when I purchased this 10" draw knife for $10 at the swap meet:

I celebrated by stripping a big old log! I hope the ryobi doesn't get jealous. It's real nice.

In other tiki news: I put another coat of spar on these guys today:

I ran out of spar after I did these two. I wanted to do more, but was so hot that I couldn't even look for my car keys to go to the store and get more. I'm hoping tomorrow I'll have the fortitude to venture out of the house for much needed supplies.

My good friend Cammo once referred to it as "living with an insane person."
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, once again we have a special guest joining in on the action at the House of Buzz for a few days. It's Zaya's dog ** Ringo!**

A special House of Buzz welcome to a "special" dog!

I'm glad to have him around because his long hair makes for a good broom.

The first job I ever had was in a liquor store's deli. We had this gross old mop that didn't actually remove the dirt, it just distributed it over the floor evenly so that the tiles appeared the same brown color when they dried. I always remember how filthy, stinky, and muddy the mop was.
I nicknamed Ringo the "Twin Oaks Market deli Mop"

He looks just like that old deli mop! I don't know how I'm going to clean him up. I think I need help. Hey babalu, how do clean a dirty hippie?...Oh yeah, you don't.

Buddycat isn't down for the whole Ringo situation yet, so he's been spending his time in the front yard watching over my growing collection of aac blocks (which will one day become several Bowana inspired Moais) :

TDuddy: thanks man! Enjoy your summer, and remember, always wear sunscreen!

On 2008-06-21 14:56, GMAN wrote:
I'm sorry the winter was tough on you... I am happy that the carving, sign making, and bamboo departments have exceeded your projected earnings for this quarter.

The toughest part of this winter was the sense of disappointment I had in my own government, or more specifically, the Feds! I work very hard trying to become rich so that I can pay higher taxes and help everyone out, and when I'm in dire need, that damn FEMA gives me nothing but the runaround on my claim for my tarp that was ripped in those winter storms. The injustice!

On 2008-06-21 15:41, surfintiki wrote:
Whoah! Way to crank 'em out!

We are currently experiencing a tiki deficit out here. I'm just trying to fill that void.

On 2008-06-21 16:22, congatiki wrote:
NEWSFLASH....Economy Not So Bad After All, Bay Park Buzzy Inc
Reports Record Profits!

If it wasn't for inflation, I'd be lighting my cigars with $100 bills instead of the $50s I'm using now.

On 2008-06-22 14:03, tikithomas08 wrote:
looks like the factory is working overtime

I'm actually pissed because with all the extra overtime, it kicked me into the next higher tax bracket with a higher tax rate, so I actually got less money than if I only worked a regular workweek. Oh the irony of success!

On 2008-06-22 14:56, Cammo wrote:
Glad you're whacking those out, ignoring those polynesian originals and going for the stretched-out-mug motifs.

All economic indicators point to a "bubble" in the current mug market. I'm just providing a safer investment opportunity for those who do not want experience the catastrophic losses in value of their mug collection investment portfolios when the bubble inevitably bursts.

On 2008-06-22 18:21, Billy the Crud wrote:
All of the new stuff looks great, Buzzy.

Yeah, I'm ripping off some some pretty solid sources these days. It's like playing a Bob Seger song when you're a covers band: Slam Dunk!

Workin' on my night moves!
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2008-06-22 23:37 ]

HOUSE OF KU posted on 06/23/2008

On 2008-06-22 23:30, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
We'll start to notice that sunsets are now moving south on the horizon every day. Only a few more months until it sets on the ocean and behind the bay. Here is the last speck of today from the far north:

the movement of the sun reminds me of sunset based contests and that makes me think I need to start and finish HoKU's sunset prize before I have the next contest. I'd better hurry up...

:o :) can't wait...Mahalo, Buzzy

Nice draw knife and shop mop :)


Benzart posted on 06/23/2008

Welcome back to the world of the living Buzzy, it Looks like you have been a busy-buzzy after all.
Love Mops, don't clean him up. Love the clean look your tikis are getting too!

seeksurf posted on 06/23/2008

buzzy good to see you have been buzy to say the least

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 06/24/2008

On 2008-06-23 14:56, seeksurf wrote:
buzzy good to see you have been buzy to say the least

I just keep on keepin' on...

Here's a little update of crap I got going right now:

I burned this guy and have put a couple coats of spar on him:

I've also finished putting enough coats on three others, parts of which can be seen in this picture, and some more bamboo upgrades ready to go out:

Todays projects include another custom sign and sanding and staning a couple more little tikis.

On 2008-06-23 05:43, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Nice draw knife and shop mop :)

That little dog comes in real handy as a rag too. Perfect size

On 2008-06-23 10:05, Benzart wrote:
Love Mops, don't clean him up. Love the clean look your tikis are getting too!

Those tikis look clean because there isn't much carving done on them. Just a line and some fake shadows here and there. As for Mops, thankfully he's self cleaning:

I put that picture there becuase Zaya was scared after seeing that last one.

See Zaya, Ringo's just fine!

More work now,
Buzzy Out!

Zaya posted on 06/24/2008

Awwww, he's so cute when he's not impersonating the deli mop!


Billy the Crud posted on 06/24/2008

On 2008-06-22 18:21, Billy the Crud wrote:
All of the new stuff looks great, Buzzy.

Yeah, I'm ripping off some some pretty solid sources these days. It's like playing a Bob Seger song when you're a covers band: Slam Dunk!

Workin' on my night moves!

That right there was some funny shit, man.
I blasted my back out on Fathers day, hoisting a fire-plug stump, so my truck is still loaded and in the carport. It will probably stay there until I move to Lemon Grove next week!!

Babalu posted on 06/25/2008

On 2008-06-22 23:30, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

Hey babalu, how do clean a dirty hippie?...Oh yeah, you don't.

Dude, I take a shower every Thursday whether I need it or not.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 06/25/2008

I wrapped up a couple more tikis in the last couple of days:

The Mainlander finished:

The Buzzatay finished:

The Beachcomber finished:

I am also in the process of giving this guy a nice golden tan:


Kiva sleeps:

Ringo rests:

And I continue on...

Another custom sign:

Different, new style for this one.

Hand crafted letters!

On 2008-06-24 12:02, Zaya wrote:
Awwww, he's so cute when he's not impersonating the deli mop!

You only say that because you can't smell his stink!

On 2008-06-24 12:24, Billy the Crud wrote:
It will probably stay there until I move to Lemon Grove next week!!

I'm going to hurt my back right before you move too. Sorry I cannot help you. :wink:

On 2008-06-25 10:21, Babalu wrote:
Dude, I take a shower every Thursday whether I need it or not.

And I thought it smelled like I stepped in a slider on the way into your studio yesterday. I guess it's best to hang out over there from Friday to Sunday, give or take a few hours...

Off to work!
Buzzy Out!

Cammo posted on 06/25/2008

*Cammo once referred to it as "living with an insane person." *

I said having a puppy is like "living with an insane dwarf", or should have said it anyway.

Billy the Crud posted on 06/25/2008

On 2008-06-25 13:01, Cammo wrote:
*Cammo once referred to it as "living with an insane person." *

I said having a puppy is like "living with an insane dwarf", or should have said it anyway.

Living with a Weenie dog is like living with an insane person. Living with a Jack Russell is like living with a CRIMINALLY insane person.

Bowana posted on 06/29/2008

On 2008-06-22 23:30, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Buddycat isn't down for the whole Ringo situation yet, so he's been spending his time in the front yard watching over my growing collection of aac blocks (which will one day become several Bowana inspired Moais) :

Sorry it's taking me so long. I'll have something for you very soon.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 06/29/2008

We'll start things out with a sunset:

and then move on to the tiki stuff...

The stretched out mug guy is done:

These three guys are in various stages of the staining process.

They should be ready to be sealed tonight

I wanted to make one of the muggies that I carved to look as much like the mug's glaze job as possible. I tried a new techinique of staining it:
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The eventual results:
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Recently, Cammo made the first batch this year's line of his custom hatsand posted them on Marketplace. Babalu and I were talking, and I mentioned how much I liked them. Babalu agreed and said he actully tried to buy one from Cammo, but Cammo wouldn't sell him one. I had a similar experience in trying to get a hat too. Anyway, Babalu and I got each other all fired up on the idea of having our own custom tiki hats, be they from Cammo or China. So, I went to the swap meet today and bought a cheap life guard hat and and did a custom Cammo inspired tiki makeover on it.

From several feet away, with sqiunted eyes, you can barely notice the gaps in quality between Cammo's hats, and my own knockoff version.

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I think this one will be the Buzzy Signature Model Tiki Carver's Hat.

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Some of the details:

A resin Maori sliding chin clasp so that the hat will stay on when carving in high wind situations:
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A Head-Tiki tapa hat band.
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Unlike Cammo's hand stitched and fitted hat bands, mine are just torn strips hot glued until they don't move anymore.

And unlike the fancy sewn hidden seams Cammo has on his hats, I just glued another resin pendant overvthe seam to hide the ends:
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I think I did a great job on it, and I have good taste, so it must good.

I'm working on one for Babalu too. It will be similar to mine, but it will have that personal Babalu "tiki" touch:
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Wabbit ears!

I've been getting a lot done, but I cannot take all the credit for it. Since Ringo has been visiting this weekend, I ve been having him do the sealing of my tikis for me after I sand and stain them.
Here he is on the job:
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He does a pretty good job, but...

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I worked him so hard, he got a repetitive motion work related injury. Now I have to start a damn worker's comp case on him. I hate paperwork and now my premiums will go up! One step forward, two steps back...

On 2008-06-28 19:30, Bowana wrote:
Sorry it's taking me so long. I'll have something for you very soon.

I hope it's a stencil of those Moais so that I dont have to measure and scale another one of your photographed pieces off my computer screen. If it isn't, thanks, and I'll take a stencil too, since you are all caught up in he spirit of giving.

I wearing my new hat right now!
Buzzy Out!

GMAN posted on 06/30/2008

Nice lid Buzzy. That's all you man. I hope Babs' comes out as nice. Too bad about Ringo. Good help is hard to find.......


Cammo posted on 06/30/2008

Toss that hat on the barbeque for a few more minutes and she's DONE!

... but Cammo wouldn't sell him one."

Hey, I said I'd make him a custom one! But if you funny boys are gettin' all huffy about it and starting a hat knockoff shop based in Tijuana, hey, who's complainin', I'll probably be working fer YOU in two months.

Babalu posted on 06/30/2008

I'm going to have Cammo custom up Babalu's Sunday go to meeting hat because Cammo's got the big daddy skills, and I'm going to have the Buzz Master fix up my "knock off" carving hat...I love it Buzzy expecally the hot glue polking out around the band! If we put a little tin foil on the end of those ears I might really be able to contact my people in space. I could mentally talk to my fellow space hippie buddies and carve at the same time...well yeah!

Cammo posted on 07/01/2008

Hey Buzzy, don't forget to cut eyeholes in that hat...

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... then you can look like a Japanese animation sidekick.

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