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Bong cream for Billy.

Pages: 1 3 replies

Dack Sambo posted on 02/08/2005

I would like to try a tube of bong cream. Any ideas/suggestions?

Ebay has a vintage tube going for 45 pounds, but I think that is a little too steep.

Bong? Any meat chickens, dice anglers or tailings left over from your trip to the Ukraine?

How about a William's apple pie, or a Robert Bork trophy whale?

Any insider trader's advice you want to impart on the lumpen proletariat?

Is the solar briefcase still working?

You da man!

tiki mick posted on 06/21/2008


Haole'akamai posted on 06/22/2008

This thread is both the reason why you should, and shouldn't, delete old forum topics.....

tiki mick posted on 10/10/2013


Pages: 1 3 replies