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king kukulele presents the floating luau at the tonga hut

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King Kukulele posted on 06/23/2008

Friday, June 27, 2008 8PM $5 Cover

King Kukulele presents the June destination of the Floating Luau, at the Tonga Hut. King Kukulele and the Friki Tikis will keep things lively as they play original Hapa Hole tunes and the standards. King is just back from performing in England, and bears gifts for all who come out to the show!


FREE Mahiki Rum tastings! Yes, the King has brought back Mahiki Rum from London. Be among the first Yankee Tiki-philes to sample Mahiki Rum, which only debuted one week ago at the Mahiki Mayfair in London. Papa Jules, creator of the Mahiki Rum, worked with Master Distiller Richard Seale, of Four Squares Distillery in Barbados, to create this Master-class rum.


FREE, to the first 25 Tiki-enthusiasts, a collectable 4-page booklet, featuring “How to Make Great Cocktails with Mahiki Rum”.


The Polynesian Paradise Dancers will woo the audience into a hypnotic Hula trance with their swinging hips and flowing hair! Akemi and her girls will dance once again to their signature song Polynesian Paradise.


Back by popular demand, an encore presentation of Johnny Halifax’s "Tiki Tiki Tiki". The film “Tiki Tiki Tiki” was filmed at the Kahiki. If you've heard King Kukulele’s song "Otto's Odyssey", then you've heard the line: “Halifax is filming for the BBC”. This is what Johnny Halifax was filming, and now you have the ultra rare opportunity to see "Tiki Tiki Tiki".


Ali Lexa, host of KPFK's Ukulele Spotlight, will sit in with the Friki Tikis, and fill us in about the upcoming Second Annual Southern California Ukulele Showcase.

We’ll see you at the Tonga Hut!!!

Tonga Hut
12808 Victory Blvd
North Hollywood, CA 91606
(818) 769-0708

From Los Angeles, take the 101 N. to 170N/Hollywood Fwy, exit 8B, follow the signs for Vicotry Blvd W.

hiltiki posted on 06/23/2008

How exciting is this, something new and refreshing coming our way. You sure will see us there... :)

GROG posted on 06/24/2008

Hopefully this Friday GROG not get as drunk as GROG got last Friday at the Tonga Hut.

(Damn you Kirby being designated driver---STOP ENABLING ME!!!!!!!)

kirby posted on 06/25/2008

sorry grog....next time you can drive,and Ill get f-d up and give out the free back rubs to the girls....
This is gonna be awesome I'm there for sure.. hope we can pack the place....see ya then...

weirduncletiki posted on 06/25/2008

I'd really love to be there, but that's the same night as Karghzu, the virtuoso Myposian bazlouki player is giving a recital. It'll be located at 12810 1/2 Victory Blvd. in North Hollywood and starts at 8:00pm. The cover is only $4.98. Should be a fantastic musical experience that should be missed by no living person! Karghzu has never played in North Hollywood before, so this really is an amazing opportunity. Again, sorry I can't make it to the Floating Luau, it really does sound like you've got a doozy planned.

-Weird Unc

CheekyGirl posted on 06/25/2008

Very Cool! We have dinner plans at 8 pm, but Jeff and I will be there afterwards with along with 2 friends.

King Kukulele posted on 06/25/2008

I'm looking forward to seeing you all there. I think you'll like the US debut of Mahiki Rum. It is has never been tasted anywhere outside of England and I'm interested to hear what you think of it!

King Kukulele posted on 06/25/2008

Grog and Kirby! Remember its a sample! SAMPLE! You won't be getting smashed on our samples.

bigtikidude posted on 06/25/2008

Ironically I will be at Taix for the Insect Surfers with JonPaul from tiki mag and tikiyaki fillin in on bass.
hows that for a weird twist of fate?


weirduncletiki posted on 06/25/2008

Hey! Great to know about Taix restaurant! I'll try to make it over there after the Karghzu concert. Glad to know that Cheeky Girl, Jeff and two friends will be joining me for this very special performance, you'll love the sweet sounds of his Myposian bazlouki. Thanks King Kukulele for offering this thread for us to talk about our alternate plans! Wow!

-Weird Unc

tobunga posted on 06/25/2008

Alternate plans be damned!
I was going out of town on Friday, but I just feverishly re-worked my weekend so I can attend this event! I'll be there AND be square! Woo-Hoo!

Polynesian Pam posted on 06/25/2008

BettyBleu and I are "so there"!! Is it Friday yet??? :)

PiPhiRho posted on 06/25/2008

Myposian bazlouki? Is that anything like Vogon poetry?

weirduncletiki posted on 06/25/2008

On 2008-06-25 13:06, PiPhiRho wrote:
Myposian bazlouki? Is that anything like Vogon poetry?

It is my understanding, that by sheer coincidence, Douglas Adams had been seen at several of Karghzu's rotating weekly shows in Pacoima, Tarzana and Rancho Cucamonga. The sweet sweet tones of his Myposian bazlouki can still be heard at one of these quad-monthly concerts... BUT this is his FIRST TIME performing in North Hollywood! Oh, the good luck! Thank you once again, King Kukulele for getting the word out to all the music lovers.

-Weird Unc

King Kukulele posted on 06/25/2008

You're welcome Weird Unc!

And to Tobunga, changing your travel plans will be rewarded. I'll be happy to see Polynesian Pam and BettyBleu...is PiPhiRo coming or not?

Thanks for supporting our Floating Luau!!

Gonna Have A Luau

King Kukulele posted on 06/25/2008

Where will Douglas Adams be on Friday?

PiPhiRho posted on 06/26/2008

Douglas Adams, much like Generalissimo Francisco Franco, will still be dead.

But where will Larry and Balke be? At the Karghzu, the virtuoso Myposian bazlouki player, recital? Or will they be able to make it to the Tonga Hut?

Myself, I will probably not be at either. I will be playing the music of Queen on a bugle.

Joe Banks posted on 06/26/2008

You can count me in!

Tiki-Kate posted on 06/26/2008

Damn. I would have definitely made the trek if Douglas Adams was going to be there.

I might still make it though.

GROG posted on 06/26/2008

Sign GROG up for the room crawl plus one. And put GROG down for the comemorative mug (one in each color).

bigtikidude posted on 06/26/2008

Damn, jump all over a guy.
I'll try to swing by for a bit, before the other unspeakable event I may have heard about way before this Holy event just popped up.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2008-06-26 00:18 ]

King Kukulele posted on 06/26/2008

Hey Bigtikidude,

If you do swing by I promise not to jump all over you...

it would be different if you were Littletikidude, I mean really little.

bigtikidude posted on 06/27/2008

well now that your not going to jump on me, I may not swing by.
hmm decisions decisions

King Kukulele posted on 06/27/2008

Alright alright I'll jump on you...but I won't wear my cleats.

weirduncletiki posted on 06/27/2008

Terrible News!: Kargzhu's Myposian bazlouki was sat upon last night during a dinner at the Gardena Goulash Garden. There will be no musical concert in North Hollywood tonight. Until a new bazlouki can be fashioned and sent from Mypos, his performances will all be spoken word and whistling. Not exactly my cup of tea! Oh, well. Is there anything else fun going on tonight?

-Weird Unc

hiltiki posted on 06/27/2008

Duh!!!! :)

King Kukulele posted on 06/27/2008

I would suggest the Floating Luau at The Tonga Hut but tonight's show will be all spoken work and whistling or as I like to refer to it: Warbling

tiki mick posted on 06/27/2008

WAIT!!! You forgot to mention the special anniversary mug that will be availiable!!

Sorry I missed the "Kincaid: the musical". I was going to go but right down the street the local community theater was hosting the "welcome back, Kotter" film fair and restrospective. How could any self-respecting tikiphile miss out on that?

tobunga posted on 06/28/2008

Oh My Tiki Gods!
What an incredible evening!!! KING KUKULELE you rock! Er... or you ukulele... Well, you are pretty damn amazing!

And the Tiki Gods smiled upon me tonight... I got to share a booth with Grog! GROG!! Did you get that? GROG!!!! And the Tikiyaki Orchestra!!! Plus hanging out with Joe Banks and chatting with Hiltiki... What an amazing event!

Joe Banks and Grog, I owe you both a drink! Thanks for an awesome time!

GROG posted on 06/28/2008

Awesome performance last night. It was a blast. Nice meeting you Tobiunga and sharing a booth with you guys, Joe Banks, Marty Lush, and Tikiyaki.

Joe Banks posted on 06/28/2008

You guys are the tikiest! Thanks for the drinks Grog! An incredibly fun evening and King Kukulele and the Friki Tikis were in top form as usual!

tikiyaki posted on 06/29/2008

I had a blast. It was great seeing The King in such a intimate place like the Tonga Hut, doing his own show. Hula Girls, Great music, The King's witty imrov...awesome.
Hey, King, thanx for doin' the "Don't Fear the Reaper" ...where's that damn cowBELL when you need it ?
Nice meeting Tobunga, and it was great hangin' with JoeBanks, GROG, Kirby, Polly, and everyone else.

I hope he does this again at Tonga Hut soon.

TikiMango posted on 06/29/2008

It was an awesome night, I had a center-stage booth directly in front of King Kukulele. You couldn't get a better seat, unless you sat on the floor. I take that back, Daniel had a fine seat right on stage as dancers circled about. The music, wit, rum and tikiness of the evening washed over me like a warm, fuzzy blanket. Tonga Hut is a great cozy place.

Joe Banks posted on 06/30/2008

...and King....thanks for the rum!

CheekyGirl posted on 06/30/2008

Glad I was able to stop by and say hello -- albeit late!

GROG posted on 06/30/2008


Unga Bunga posted on 06/30/2008

On 2008-06-30 10:06, GROG wrote:

You mean the orgy?

TikiG posted on 06/30/2008

Hi all,

Just wanted to say Thank You to all that participated last Friday at the Tonga Hut in North Hollywood. I had a great time, met some really nice people and experienced a time-warp of a trippy, good-feeling kind. I was transported back to a mid-century environment and loved every moment of it.
King Kukulele, you rock. The Friki Tikis were great as well and the hula dancers and free rum samples were all icing on the cake - fantastic. But the one moment I'll always cherish is discovering that Ana, one of the owners, shares the same last name as me. We could be family! A special Thank You goes to my dear friend TikiMango who drove me to the event in the first place.


hiltiki posted on 07/01/2008

Q-tiki and I had the best time and we had the best seat in the place. What a great show that was. Nice seeing all of you, Kirby it was nice seeing you. Hope we can do this again soon. King Kukulele you are the best.

TikiMango posted on 07/02/2008

Photo time! Thanks to TikiG (not to be confused with Tiki G) for bringing his camera and getting some great shots. Here are a few worth sharing.

King Kukulele and the Friki Tikis

Standing room only in the Hut... Hut... The Tonga Hut

Crazy Al getting up close and personal

King Kukulele, "Which to drink first, Gold Mahiki or Silver Mahiki?"

The Polynesian Paradise Dancers

The front of The Tonga Hut at night

TikiMango enjoying the free sample of the Mahiki Rum

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