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Polynesia at the Orange County Fair

Pages: 1 3 replies

johnnievelour posted on 07/16/2002

I'm going to the OC fair this Saturday and I was checking the list of events and I saw Mai Polynesia Dancers! There is no info about them, just time and stage. I will certainly be goig to check this out. They are on Sat. 20th 5:00.

Other related shows I found are:
Sun. 21, 5:00 - Le Polynesia
Sun. 28, 5:00 - Lokekani's Rhythen of the Islands

Tiki_Bong posted on 07/16/2002

Monsieur Velour!

Mai Polynesia has a dance studio by my house in H.B. on Brookhurst and Garfield. They teach dance and Hawaiian drumming as well as provide catering for such events.

They recently went to Tahiti to compete in an annual polynesian dance competition there.

I would imagine that they are worth watching.

bamboo ben posted on 07/17/2002

hey Bong,
Are you sure it's on Brookhurst and Garfield or is it on Adams and PCH?
(gotch ya!!)

Tiki_Bong posted on 07/17/2002

Good one Ben. As you know I'm directionally challenged!

I guess the 1970's are catching up to me.

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