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Giant Tiki Head in Tucson?

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TikiMike posted on 06/27/2008

I REALLY hope the moai makes it to the Hut. I work downtown about five minutes from there, so I'd get to see it all the time. I have fond memories of golfing at Magic Carpet as a kid and have seen it slowly declining all these years. In fact, I had my first "makeout" kiss with my high school girlfriend at the top. I hope they leave the stairs and let people go up to the top once (and if) it moves!

tikijackalope posted on 10/29/2008

Are there any updates on the big moai?
And have the ghosts, the skull or the spooky tree been moved yet?
I so miss that place.

ikitnrev posted on 08/31/2009

The Moai head was officially unveiled this past weekend.

*What is 40 feet tall, over 55,000 pounds and looks like it just came in from Easter Island?
If you were one of many people at The Hut, 305 N. Fourth Ave., Saturday night, you would know that it could be the large tiki head which was unveiled there.

The tiki head was salvaged from Magic Carpet Golf, a former locally owned miniature golf course that was a Tucson favorite for over 30 years. *

The full article can be read here

Here is footage of the unveiling from the local news

And another youtube clip

telescopes posted on 11/09/2010

[ Edited by: telescopes 2010-11-08 21:39 ]

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