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Hang ten clothing, WHERE???

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twowheelin'tiki posted on 12/17/2007

I have been searching everywhere looking for hang ten stuff in the USA, I have found zip!. Every other country has it, but not us?, HELP!!!

Wildsville man posted on 12/17/2007

I believe there is a hang-ten in Laguna Beach California,My Friend. I haven't been there for a year or so,so I can't confirm its still there. good luck and keep it loose.

arriano posted on 12/17/2007

Here's their web site:

And they're based in Poway, CA:

Hang Ten
13025 Danielson St.
Poway, CA 92064


Tiki Matt posted on 12/21/2007

I used to get hang ten, op, lightning bolt, etc. at Wild West in Anaheim in the 70's and early 80's.....not there anymore though.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/21/2007

I know a little about them from their slight resurgence in the early 90's:
About 91 or 92 Hang Ten started reproducing their own vintage patterns again and sold them at higher end mall places like Nordstroms. They did both the polo style shirts and tshirts for a couple years. The tshirts retailed for about $35, and the polos were about $50.
Back in '94 or '95, Hang Ten liquidated all the rest of their stock of the striped tshirt material to Droors Clothing, which was the early version company that is now DC Shoes. They had about 8 giant rolls of it for a while in the pattern cutting and sewing room. Droors made tshirts and polo styled shirts from the material for retail sale, as well as used the material for making patterns and samples. All those samples either got given away or sold to the Buffalo exchange on Garnet. While they were in production, Hang Ten also used to unload their irregulars to that Buffalo Exchange. Since then, I can't remember Hang Ten ever making the shirts again, but they do occasionally license their name to random products.
In 96 or thereabouts they had a bunch of rash guards and flip flops at places like Sports Authority and big 5. I think that Budweiser pulling out of the PSAA tour back then and not having a legitimate longboard circuit like that for a couple years kinda killed the big worldwide expansion plans that they had a few years earlier.
After that, I stopped caring about clothes and don't know what they did. I do remember some dumb shoes they had a few years ago that were advertised in Surf mags...
I always those litle feet!
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-12-21 13:57 ]

Cammo posted on 12/21/2007

Hang Ten was based down on 13th Street in San Diego back in the 60's, and from outside appearances seemed like the coolest surfer clothing company of all time.

No surfer will wear Hang 10 nowadays because they all know that in fact it was run in almost 19th century horrifying sweatshop conditions, way worse than the Lower East Side NYC garment district. I met the head of the company once and he was the spitting image of Mr. Burns from the Simpsons, but dressed in a dark Homburg and black gloves. He exuded evil like a skunk does odor.

I've been told that the footprint logo was bought from a Hawaiian shirt company who had already been using it for years. Not even that was original.

Almost all the surfing clothes nowadays, however, are sold in the shadow of Hang 10, which made some really cool threads for a long time. If you want some neato retro surf clothes nowadays, try the "Ando" brand.

twowheelin'tiki posted on 12/25/2007

Thanks for the help. what burns my a$$ is tons of places outside the usa have hang ten, just not us!. This is so damn lame.

bongofury posted on 01/06/2008

Here you go....click on the Roots icon....


This is from a very worn t-shirt I got at Kohls about 5 years ago. Made in Mexico

This is one of my favorite Hawaiian shirts

Not sure when it was made, but I would guess the 70s

Has the reverse image style so the rest of the pix are from the inside

Unga Bunga posted on 01/06/2008

Hey Bongo! Long time.
Like the Beach Boys writing all these songs about surfing, and they never surfed (they tried once)
I was a Hang Ten freak (1970's), and did not surf. The "surf scene" marketing really pissed off the surfers off bsck then. (not to mention the bikini beach movies.)
No, I'm not saying you have to be a surfer to wear surf attire. This thread just sparked a memory.

I'm sure the "Member's Only" shit will come back too.

What was Two Wheellin's question again?

Koolau posted on 01/07/2008

Good Lord - psychedelic Hawaiiana! I've never seen such a thing. And what's with the Mexican eagle and snake imagery?

bananabobs posted on 01/09/2008

On 2008-01-06 17:36, Koolau wrote:
Good Lord - psychedelic Hawaiiana! I've never seen such a thing. And what's with the Mexican eagle and snake imagery?

I am pretty sure a Artist named Bill Ogden designed this shirt, he used to design the OP ads on the back cover of Surfer, he designed this logo for Rainbow Surfboards back in the 70's, you can see this theme in the shirt as well. He was the cosmic Rick Griffin IMHO.

Tiki Shaker posted on 07/01/2008

I read in the paper a week or so ago that Kohls is going to start carrying Hang Ten and that Walmart is going to start carrying OP.

Jason Wickedly posted on 07/01/2008

On 2008-06-30 19:33, Tiki Shaker wrote:
I read in the paper a week or so ago that Kohls is going to start carrying Hang Ten and that Walmart is going to start carrying OP.

Oh God help us all...what's next, Lightning Bolt at K-Mart? Mossimo at Target? Oh wait....never mind.

Tiki Shaker posted on 07/01/2008

Actually, the summer Kohl's first opened up in SoCal, they had Lightning Bolt. There were exact replicas of the shirts I use to wear as a little kid back in the late 70's.

Tikirose posted on 07/02/2008

I always find "tikish" clothes at Kohl's. Just got tiki beach towels for Tiki Oasis there. The OP stuff is out at Wal-Mart in full force. It's very retro looking.




Hang Ten hangin' at Bed Bath & Beyond

Bed Bath & Beyond: Hang Ten comforters and Pillows

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