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PM'd Scam

Pages: 1 16 replies

I did't see this elsewhere but I'm getting scam pms (posted below). This a unique problem for me or is everyone getting inundated with them?

[PM removed by Hanford]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore - removed PM contens from page - 2008-07-10 11:49 ]


This looks very similar to the Nigerian scams that have been around for years. Do not open them or respond to them. Actually, I think it is advisable that you DO NOT open anything from someone you don't know. Just delete them and move on. You have more important things to do!!


I got it too. It's not really a matter of "opening it" since it arrived via PM. It's not an email we can open or close, if we view our Personal Messages, we've already "opened" it. It's not like an email with a virus, it's just some jackass phishing for an idiot to play along.

Hopefully we can get a moderator to delete user: "grace5"


"In fact, since the death of my husband, his brothers has been seriously chasing me around with constant treats"

I don't know, that sounds OK to me. Who doesn't like a treat?

Hanford will have delete the profile- in the meantime, I'll be enjoying a percentage of those sweet millions, suckers!

Thanks to everyone who alerted me.

I have deleted the user, but this will not delete PMs the user sent.

If you come across the PM from "Grace5", just delete it. If you come across Spam PMs from other users, please let me know.


Well, they really got around last night, didn't they?!




Oh Yeah, I forgot to post a link to the best scambaiter website: 419eater.com [.

The Trophy Room](http://www.419eater.com/html/trophy_room.htm) is internet GOLD!!

[ Edited by: Haole'akamai 2008-07-09 11:39 ]


Some guy named GROG keeps sending me PMs saying I'm next on his "to do list"! Can you delete him please! I've heard several other people have been getting these messages from him, so although I initially believed that I was specifically selected for my kindness, I now know the sad truth, that he's just another scam spammer. :cry: Will the scamming never end!?!

Did a Google Image Search for 'constant treats' and the first picture was a bucket full of chicken feet.
... So they were chasing her around with chicken feet. Those wacky Filipinos. :lol:

GROG posted on Wed, Jul 9, 2008 1:12 PM

Don't worry Jen, GROG' to-do list is on hold because Bigtikidude guilted GROG into going to EVERY damned surfband that's playing anwhere in California, and there's a bunch and they're playing all the time!! No wonder Bigtikidude can't make it to very many tiki events. If we had tiki events as often as there are surfbands playing, the tiki artists/vendors would be rich and wouldn't have time to make enough inventory to keep up.

Just Fantastic

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-20 20:39 ]


On 2008-07-09 13:12, GROG wrote:
If we had tiki events as often as there are surfbands playing, the tiki artists/vendors would be rich and wouldn't have time to make enough inventory to keep up.

Seems a few of them have found a way around that nasty business of having to make original art to sell anyway.

[ Edited by: JenTiki 2008-07-09 13:38 ]


Don't these spammers know there are some hell raisers in here?

Tell someone to go to hell and make sure they enjoy the trip

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-07-09 14:15 ]

KuKu posted on Wed, Jul 9, 2008 3:26 PM

On 2008-07-09 13:12, GROG wrote:
Don't worry Jen, GROG' to-do list is on hold because Bigtikidude guilted GROG into going to EVERY damned surfband that's playing anwhere in California, and there's a bunch and they're playing all the time!! No wonder Bigtikidude can't make it to very many tiki events. If we had tiki events as often as there are surfbands playing, the tiki artists/vendors would be rich and wouldn't have time to make enough inventory to keep up.

Hey, I thought tiki folks wern't suppose to like soif muzak...?!?

twitch posted on Wed, Jul 9, 2008 7:02 PM

Damn... I never get chased by constant treats... Does this mean she's also suppressed by snacks?


In the Onion there was a funny article about this a while back.

It was about a Nigerian philanthropist trying to give away millions of dollars.
"I send out thousands of email messages like this one, all over the world every day begging people to take some of my money and put it to good use. All I get back are a few replies filled with obscene language. Is there no poverty left in the world?"

What the hell happened here?

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga 2008-07-11 02:38 ]

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