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Four Accoutrements Hawaiian/ Polynesian Tiki Mugs

Pages: 1 8 replies

jthole posted on 07/10/2008



[ Edited by: jthole 2008-07-10 17:51 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 07/10/2008

Jeffrey, you gotta show up here with something more than Kahlua bottles and bargain basement mugs, this is Tiki CENTRAL, not Tiki Kindergarten.

Rum Balls posted on 07/10/2008

I like the combination of "Hawaiian" and "Aztec"

Big Kahuna posted on 07/10/2008

I believe the purple one is Eskimo!

Swanky posted on 07/10/2008

These mugs are items we probably all have and they were given to us by well meaning friends. We smiled and said thanks and then they were never seen again. Maybe at big parties we use them as a "throw away" to serve in.

Most of the people here have very discriminating taste and nothing you can buy off the shelf retail is going to be of any interest to the members here. Only vintage or limited edition artist designs are of interest to this group of collectors.

Haole'akamai posted on 07/10/2008

Yep, those mugs practically belong in the "Un-Tiki" thread. Perhaps you might consider spending more time reading and less time selling.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 07/10/2008

On 2008-07-10 07:38, Swanky wrote:
These mugs are items we probably all have and they were given to us by well meaning friends. We smiled and said thanks and then they were never seen again. Maybe at big parties we use them as a "throw away" to serve in.

Most of the people here have very discriminating taste and nothing you can buy off the shelf retail is going to be of any interest to the members here. Only vintage or limited edition artist designs are of interest to this group of collectors.

Let's ponder this thought and message and the usefulness of this mug set a little further. Yes this came from a "well-meaning friend" in case they read this!

First of all, if you had the box these came in you would see this is...

A "Ceramic Tiki Mug Party Pack" (sorry about the flash)!
The "Ceramic Tiki Mug Party Pack" features "Jake" (green mug), "Big Al" (purple mug), "Lenny" (gold mug0 and "Artie" (blue mug).

The back of the box features tasty and refreshing tiki drink recipes:

The Voodoo Cooler (Jake's Favorite), Banana Rum Cream (Big Al's Favorite), Jamaican Fizz (Lenny's Favorite) and the Guava Mama, (Artie's Favorite).

I am planning on having a party and using these mugs and recipes to play the following board games:
Start off by making everyone a Voodoo Cooler in a Jake mug and playing this game...

Thought about using real guns, but didn't want to clean up the mess.

Next we would move on to the Banana Rum Cream served in a Bil Al and play this game...

Maybe wait until the new movie comes out om DVD and it would be like we were in the movie!

Then we would take a ciggie and pee break and resume by making the Jamaican Fizz in a Lenny mug and play this game...

Spaced-out right in the middle of the living room.

Next a delicious Guava Mama in the Artie mug to round out the evening playing my favorite game...

The Tiny Tim Game of Beautiful Things" because by then everything would be beautiful!

So you see jthole and everyone else, although this is a set of lowly and unappreciated mugs,everything has it's place in the universe, and even crap can be a useful and necessary thing, if put into perspective.

That is all!

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and it's your turn to roll the dice)!

[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2008-07-10 11:56 ]

Beachbumz posted on 07/10/2008

I remember my brother being a Get Smart Freak, I recall him having this game back in the early 70's.. what a great show that was.. great collection of games..

As for the mugs, well yeah these are the one's I start using after the 3rd or 4th drink.. they serve there purpose well.. :wink:

jthole posted on 07/11/2008

Ok, ok, I give in. I have updated and corrected my listing. Some times I use both Tiki and Aztec as key words to attract more lookers. I did not mean to offend you hardcore Tiki collectors. :)


[ Edited by: jthole 2008-07-11 21:52 ]

Pages: 1 8 replies