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Rattan, Rattan, Rattan! A House Full of Vintage Rattan Furniture!

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tikihipp posted on 07/07/2008

Time to downsize. I bought this fabulous set eleven years ago from an older woman who told me that she bought the furniture in the 1950s. She was the original owner and loved it as much as I do. She'd had it covered in a silky fabric that has worn out over the years. Since I'm downsizing, I'm not going to put any bark cloth over it -- I figured I'd let you decide what tickles your own fancy. This set comes with one armchair and a terrific five-piece sofa that you can arrange any way you want, and two of the corner mahogany half-tables (in the last photo)-- which can be pushed together into one large round table. There are also two of the corner mahogany corner tables (like the one with the TV on it) and they are spectacular. As a bonus, I am including this swanky-swag rattan chandelier. I've got a lot more furniture, but as you can tell, it is killing me to part with any of it. This furniture is located in St. Petersburg, FL. $4,200 takes all. You pick up or arrange shipment. E-mail me at poodle2310@yahoo.com for more details.

bananabobs posted on 07/07/2008

What all is included in the $4200 set? Is that real Frankel? All of it?

tikihipp posted on 07/07/2008

Set includes one arm chair, the five piece couch, two round mahagony half tables, two mahogany corner tables and one hanging lamp. I do believe it is Frankel.

1961surf posted on 07/08/2008

This is not Frankl rattan furniture, even though it is six band.Its not Frankl
style arms on the couch or club chair.The market is soft right now with rattan
furniture.Very nice set however.Very pricey to ship this out of Florida as well.
Feel free to contact me if you need info on the two most competitive companies
to ship your furniture.Always willing to help other people on TC when I can.
Trader Bill

TikiTres posted on 07/08/2008

Right, probably not Frankl since it doesn't have the trademark pretzel arms, but what a great-looking set! The price sounds reasonable for all that is included. Hopefully it'll go to an appreciative home :)

trifecta_ev posted on 07/08/2008

Instead of starting a new thread, I though I would just add my furniture to this thread. I've been given the task of selling several peices of vintage furniture and thought maybe these would fit in here...I'm guessing this is rattan furniture, one reclining chair and a couch, no idea of the maker....it is located in Owensboro, KY and I am just looking for offers...thanks...here's the pics...

1961surf posted on 07/10/2008

Just adding on to existing thread instead of starting new thread.
This is a set that I posted in the past on TC.
I also will be selling four super rare Frankl coffee tables I will
be adding soon.

I have for sale a set of half moon club chairs and a super rare double horseshoe
design arm love seat.Both are finished with the same bark cloth but arms are different.
Would look great together in the same room are split up.The chairs and love seat went
thru a six step extensive restoration process.When I picked them up they had been
sitting outside for who knows how long.They were covered in black mold from HELL
and I didn't know if they could be saved at all? Over 40 hours were put into
prepping, bleaching,wire brushed, sanded,stained and finally two coats of varnish.
The rattanwas all shot in a down draft state the art automotive spray booth with
Zspar yacht varnish @ $35 a quart.You do the math.

The bark cloth was done in the top of the line Trend Tex fabric from Honolulu, and
top of the line HR memory foam.No expense was spared to complete this restoration.
As you can see the end result is simply stated incredible.The varnish came out like
glass-flawless.Most people have no idea just how much work is involved with doing
restoration on vintage rattan furniture.Thats why most people question the prices
some of it sells for because they are clueless about the labor intensive work involved.
Again I say most- not all people.My pictures don't even come close to doing this
rare set justice .Emails welcome.Available by appointment to view furniture .
Serious inquires only -please
Trader Bill

1961surf posted on 07/17/2008

I will be posting more vintage rattan furniture for sale within the next several
days.I have five different style Paul Frankl style coffee tables available.
This set depicted is still available as well.

Coco Joe posted on 01/10/2009

Is there a thread just based on tiki furniture? I found a couple interested things this morning that I figured I should share.

A cool book I just ordered

and some brochure on ebay about a company named Blair Ltd which I was unable to find in my thread search as well

Thortiki posted on 01/10/2009
Tiki Royale posted on 01/11/2009

Hey CoCo Joe,
Great book, lots of wonderful images and ideas in it. Do you have any more scans of that Blair brochure? I have a tiki with a "Blair Waikiki" sticker on the bottom and would love to see if it is included in any of their material... of does the brochure just have their bowls?

Coco Joe posted on 01/11/2009

Here's where I found images of the brochure.

I did a search on Blair LTD and it's still around but seems to be a jewelry company now. Do you have images of your piece?

Tiki Shaker posted on 01/11/2009

I have one of those Blair Ltd. brochures. Here are the images of the brochure.

1961surf posted on 02/03/2009

Blair Co. was one of the lead souvenir companies that had provided carved wood
products of all different shapes, sizes, bowls trays , carved tikis etc.
Blair Co was located in Honolulu .Paul Fujimoto to the best of my knowledge
was the operations manager, and lead tiki carver.His work can be seen all
over the Hawaiian islands.Fujimoto was one of the best tiki carvers in the
Hawaii in the 1960's .Fujimoto's carved tikis rarely come up on ebay for
auction.The first picture shows the carving that sold on ebay last year.
Don't know the type of wood, but very very nice appprox 30" tall .
The other two pictures are historical pictures of Blair Co. show room
featuring many of Fujimotos carvings , products and tikis.Note the detail
of the carving on the tall Ku Tikis.Wouldn't we all want one of these in
our own place ??

Aloha and enjoy -Trader Bill

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