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135+ Tiki Mugs for sale to NorCal Headhunter

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Finkitiki posted on 07/21/2008

I gotta sell my collection. Hopefully to a Northern California headhunter as you would have to pick them up in person. Anybody interested? Or maybe someone from Alameda where I was born? See 5 pages of most of them on this fotki site:
There is a bunch of extra tiki stuff too. Any offers? Got a bunch of nice ones!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 07/21/2008

What is your asking price. I can't seem to get off of page 1.


Finkitiki posted on 07/21/2008

Hi Psycho Tiki D
I have not set a price yet - I was hoping to see if there was any interest at all. I do not want to put this stuff on ebay!What do you mean you can't get past page 1? On the fotki site?

Haole'akamai posted on 07/21/2008

Have you thought about selling at the Forbidden Island Parking Lot Sale?

Finkitiki posted on 07/21/2008

Hi Haole'akamai,
Well - I don't have the gas money to get there! I would love to just sell the whole batch at once - maybe to someone on their way to Tahoe for a vacation. The last thing I want is to sell these one at a time. Gotta be someone who would like a bunch of mugs all at once. Just think of it as a Christmas present in July.

AlienTiki posted on 07/21/2008

Nice collection! They look to be almost all vintage. If I lived in the area I would buy them up, take the ones I didn't have and sell the rest.

Good luck with the sale.

Finkitiki posted on 07/21/2008

Hi Alien Tiki,
Yes, they are almost all vintage mugs and bowls. The only "new" ones are a few mugs that people gave me as gifts. Alas... the "new" ones just don't have the same feel or history as vintage tikiware.

I'm 57 years old and remember when my dad used to take me around to all his favorite tiki lounges in the Bay Area. We drove to them in a 1949 Plymouth. Back then it was prerfectly okay to plop your kid at the bar next to you and have a drink or two. Although my tiki mugs only got filled with OJ. I do not remember there ever being any "shiney" tiki mugs at most of them. But they all had faces.

I wish you were closer too so you could buy them.
I was thinking of asking $700 for the whole batch. I have seen many of these go for $75 each so I think that is pretty fair. ?

tikitees posted on 07/22/2008

That is a beautiful collection! I wish you were closer to Oklahoma!
[ Edited by: tikitees 2008-07-21 21:39 ]

[ Edited by: tikitees 2008-07-21 21:42 ]

Finkitiki posted on 07/22/2008

Hi Tikitees,
Someone must be heading this way for a vacation? It is summer time and I'm here in America's Vacation Wonderland!

I just got the pix to go in the correct order finally on that fotki site. So now the mugs all match up with their front and bottom views. Sorry they were so mixed up before.

Don't forget, folks, that there is a bunch of extra stuff I did not take pix of that are included.

tikitees posted on 07/22/2008

Okies don't vacation outside of Branson. Kidding. Not really. Some of them don't. Sad. So would you be willing to ship?

Finkitiki posted on 07/22/2008

There is too many to ship. It would cost more money in bubble wrap and boxes and packing tape and shipping and time than all the mugs together! That is why whoever wants these will have to pick them up. No other way around it.

JS Glass Art posted on 07/22/2008

It would probably cost the same in gas, as shipping, to drive from the Bay Area to Tahoe.

Finkitiki posted on 07/22/2008

Not anywhere near the same. It would cost WAY more for shipping than gas. Even if I could somehow get free bubblewrap and boxes and tape and stuff and get 4 mugs packed per box that is at least 35 boxes. Most people I know in the bay area or Sacramento area come up to Tahoe several times a year just for fun. Some even on their way to Trader Dick's. Those are the folks I would hope would want to pick these mugs up.

Finkitiki posted on 07/23/2008

looks like I got a buyer - thanks everyone!

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