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Moai in Hawaii

Pages: 1 11 replies

christiki295 posted on 07/22/2008

I am trying to obtain a comprehensive listing of all of the Moai in Hawaii.
I am aware of the following on Oahu:

Polynesian Cultural Center,Oahu
Bishop Museum,
The stone shop on Nimitz Hwy (ocean side)
Da Big Kahuna Bar & Grill

Have I missed any, maybe on Kaua'i?

Mo-Eye posted on 07/22/2008

The Thor Stor on Lewers in Waikiki has a giant one!

HinaHinawahine posted on 07/22/2008

Locating Moai in Hawaii natural or only in stores and hotels? If you are looking for a natural one there is one on Kalaupapa in the area behind the village.

bamalamalu posted on 07/22/2008

There is at least one on Kauai - at Smith's Tropical Paradise.

christiki295 posted on 07/23/2008

Tiki Bar & Grill on Oahu also has one.
Don the Beachcomber on the Big Island might, also.

Koolau posted on 07/23/2008

The moai at the Bishop Museum has been moved - it's now outside of the museum complex, near the parking lot. You can see it from the street - very cool.

Here's what he looked like at the old location on the Great Lawn:

(Photo from the Honolulu Star Bulletin, or maybe the old Batman TV show - I have no idea why they published such a crooked photo)

According to the Polynesian Cultural Center website, they have 7 moai, carved by artists from Rapa Nui.

Just curious - why are you interested in moai in Hawaii? There aren't all that many tikis, much less non-indigenous moai.

HinaHinawahine posted on 07/24/2008

There is one at Don the Beachcomber, Kona.

AlienTiki posted on 07/24/2008

Lahaina Maui. On the beach by 505 front st.

VanTiki posted on 07/24/2008

On 2008-07-23 00:33, Koolau wrote:
The moai at the Bishop Museum has been moved - it's now outside of the museum complex, near the parking lot.

Man, I loved this guy when I was a kid visiting the museum. Last December we headed to Bishop Museum with some visiting relatives (my first trip to the museum in perhaps 10 years) and I took a tiki magazine and a mug with me to get a shot for the "where is your tiki magazine" feature (you know, the shots of folks reading the magazine all over the world). Anyways - I marched to the spot where my Moai friend used to live and found only bare grass. Saddened, I spent the next three hours shepherding my two miserable nephews thru the museum. Only when we drove out did I see the Moai in its new (much less dignified) resting place in the parking lot. Perhaps I'll get the shot next time I head back to the Museum (which will be when Hawaii Hall opens again).

Gilligan posted on 07/24/2008

According to the Polynesian Cultural Center website, they have 7 moai, carved by artists from Rapa Nui.

the missus and i visited the moai at the PCC in 2005 and they treated us right!

Koolau posted on 08/03/2008

Moai ain't got legs, but Mrs. Gilligan's doing a fine job of making up the difference. . .

Anyway, back to the topic, here's the current location of the Bishop Museum moai, out in front of the main entrance:

QuietVillage posted on 08/03/2008

Sweet Moais!

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