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Blade wheel for an electric grinder ?

Pages: 1 8 replies

hacksaw44 posted on 07/28/2008

I have seen on here somewhere of a wheel that has blades on it as a chain saw would.It is for the 4 to 6 inch grinders like Makita or Dewalt makes.I like this idea and would like to purchase one if possible.Maybe they are homemade? Any help would be great!!

pdrake posted on 07/28/2008

lancelot is the name of the wheel.

it's made by king arthur tools. you can find them on ebay or at some of the local, specialty woodworking shops.

it's the single most dangerous tool in the woodshop next to the poo-stick.

Tikilizard posted on 07/28/2008

Page 13 of the topic "Tools Carvers Use".

Benzart posted on 07/28/2008

POO Stick?

TikiTres posted on 07/28/2008
McTiki posted on 07/28/2008

Poo Stick = pertaining to folklore of warriors having to fight off enemies where they had no weaponry, however, a stick with poo on it is well........a weapon of sorts. I know I wouldn't want the business end. Grog might, but, not McTiki.

Oh....Be very carefull of the Lancelot. Very tricky thing to weild on wood.

[ Edited by: McTiki 2008-07-28 12:52 ]

hacksaw44 posted on 07/28/2008

Very cool deal ,thanks alot guys.I will order one tonight.

The Tiki Shop posted on 07/29/2008

This tool has emergency room writin all over it.

hacksaw44 posted on 07/29/2008

My cousin said he seen the same type of blade at Lowe's

Pages: 1 8 replies