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It was the Rattlesnake or me!

Pages: 1 11 replies

Yesterday, a big Timber Rattler tried to get me. However, being the redneck I am, I put him to sleep quick. I was walking by my Hay Barn and the Bastard just struck at me, hanging a tooth in my pants. Thank God For Loaded Guns!

Did you eat the rattlesnake? They are great
fried with a litle bread coating!

Nah, too much lead in him. If you know what I mean.

I hear it tastes like frog legs...

That 2nd Amendment thing can be useful.

That's too close KTBG. On your pant leg! I'm sweating even! I've also had two close calls here in socal. It ain't fun. That's why I stopped MTB'ing . ....Yeah, that's it.

First time I got hit (well, closest to getting hit), but thats like the 12th one I took out on my property in two years. There has got to be a big hole full of them somewhere.

Oh and they do taste like froglegs, and guess what, frog legs taste like...chicken!

JTD posted on Wed, Jun 18, 2003 5:43 PM


For a second, I thought you were gonna say....sea turtle.



Made me lift my leg up on the chair as I read it!

I'd a shot my own dang leg, most likely!


[ Edited by: Geeky Tiki on 2003-06-23 13:12 ]

My trophy. Hope no one goes APESHIT over this like they did that whole turtle thing.


Is that your dick-end?


I guess it could be since I don't know what a dickend is. Those Euro's are something else. They remind me of those Canadi....opps! (just kidding with you tikifish, you are a god in my book)

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