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Kahiki Foods

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Swanky posted on 09/24/2002

Last night we found Kahiki frozen foods in our Bi-Lo store here in TN. It was a bit of a shock. Couldn't overlook that logo and there, on the side of the egg roll package was the Mystery Lady and a little about her. Is this stuff all over the US, or are we just special?

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/24/2002


Haven't seen it on the West coast yet. Let us know how it is. It's possible that it's as close to the restaurant food as Trader Vic's Mai Tai Mix is to a real Trader Vic's Mai Tai aka 'not very'.

kahukini posted on 09/24/2002

They are at Sam's in birmingham, don't see why they wouldn't be at Sam's everywhere. I have tried 3 types and been disappointed so far - fresh chinese takeout is much better. There are are a couple of the tiki tidbits that are good imho

ob seagull posted on 09/25/2002

yeah, they're here in san diego at SAM'S, along with breakable bottles of la paz mai tai mix.

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/25/2002

OB Seagull,

Do you deliver baby seagulls?

the75stingray posted on 09/25/2002

We've seen Kahiki foods everywhere from Ohio to Florida in Wal Mart food stores...Super WalMarts!

Myrtle Beach has 'em too!

Again, I don't recommend the Sesame Orange Chicken dinner...But DEFINATELY suggest eggrolls! But put 'em in the oven, don't nuke them.

Mano Tiki Tia posted on 09/25/2002

Saw them at Smart And final, They also have very breakable glass bottled La Paz Mai tai Mix. SMASH!!

Swanky posted on 09/25/2002

Yes, the eggrolls in the microwave suck. In the oven, they were pretty good.

Trader Vic's Mai Tai mix IS what they use in the restaurants. I think they use the dry version though. Maybe not.

Tiki King posted on 09/30/2002

I have seen the egg rolls and potstickers at Safeway here in Santa Cruz. Have yet to try them though.

Chip and Andy posted on 08/03/2008

The egg rolls keep drifting in and out of our local Publix.

When i see them I grab a couple. They aren't anything special.... but it makes me giggle to see the Kahiki logo live on in at least name.

tikiskip posted on 08/03/2008

Very interesting.

Howland posted on 08/03/2008

Our local Harris Teeter has a I think 3 different Kahiki food products. I have had the Sesame Orange Chicken but something about cooking frozen fried food in a microwave oven just don't jive w/ me. It's like it's not fried anymore, just previously fried, microwave steamed, breaded chicken with a seemingly generic Chinese style orange sauce..

The Lemongrass Chicken Eggrolls on the other hand, are quite tasty. You bake them in the oven instead of nuking them so they retain the crunch. Could still probably replicate the recipe (or close enough) from fresh ingredients with tastier results.

thedivas posted on 08/08/2008

i've seen them at the local Vons (aka Safeway) for a few years. not bad, IMO

JohnnyP posted on 08/08/2008

In Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and parts of Pennsylvania Meijers carries them.

Matt Reese posted on 08/09/2008

I didn't like the texture of any of them too much. Still... the flavors were pretty good. Not bad for taking to work.

the75stingray posted on 08/10/2008

Can you believe that this thread started in 2002? Where the hell does the time go?

We just had some fantastic Kahiki spring rolls and egg rolls over the weekend at the Hot Rod Hula Hop, they were deep fried and they were delicious!

At the event we found some coupons and I guess they have some new stuff out now too. I'll keep my eyes open for them!

I've seen some at Sams Club and a few other places. Kahiki frozen foods are still around if you can find them, they are (usually) worth the effort of looking.

Another old posting about Kahiki Foods was here...

(Shaking my head...with a grin) Wow. 6 years...thank goodness for those people who use the "Search" feature for previous threads.

[ Edited by: the75stingray 2008-08-10 08:31 ]

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