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Mug disaster at Casa de Atomikitty

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atomikitty posted on 08/05/2008

Aloha TC Ohana,

Atomikitty here, and I need your help.

There was a 'minor mug disater' this weekend at my house.

Suffice to say that it was a very 'Dick Van Dyke Show' set up, and would have been a great gag if it had not been so tragic.

Long story short . . . . My SHAG Adventureland Tiki Mug, and my beloved vintage Marwal hawaiin bust fell and smashed into tiny tiny peices. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I turned just in time to watch the tragedy unfold in slow motion. I was helpless to stop it and just cried 'Oooooooh NOOOOOOOO. . . . . . .!!!!!'

So, I beseach you. . . . if you know of or see either of these items for sale, please, please. please let me know!!!!

Name you price!

The ironic thing is, they totally survived the earthquake, and go smashed the day after. . . . ARG! . . . .oh cruel world!!!!!

MAHALO for you help.

~Suzy (AKA) Atomikitty

P.S. My Bamboo Bem mug was on the same stand, but survived the fall. . . (that's tikifarm quality!). . . but if you had a headache this weekend Ben, that's why.

R.I.P :cry:

Tiki Trav posted on 08/05/2008

what a bugger!

tikiyaki posted on 08/05/2008

Bummer !

Funny, this weekend I came across this mug and asked if it was for sale at this place...


You can see it in the glass case.

Unfortunately it's not, but an odd coincidence I think.

I was thinking "Man, I REALLY like that mug"

Sorry to hear about your catastrophe.

May I suggest a small investment in Museum Putty ?

I have mine, but haven't used it yet :o

atomikitty posted on 08/06/2008

Thanks for the condolences guys. . . .

Hey, weird and awesome coincidence. . . I am designing the new menu for the Good Day Cafe!

The owners are a super fantastic young couple, and are huge fans of tiki, as well has having incredible food. . . .mmmmmm. . . .

When the new menu is ready we are planning a luau/art show shindig there! Fun!

Maybe if I beg and plead and give them big sad eyes I can get them to part with their mug as payment. . . .ha ha ha!
How sad that I am serious. . . .

Joe Banks posted on 08/06/2008

So very sad. I'm so sorry. I will keep my eyes peeled.

1961surf posted on 08/06/2008

Atomickitty-Very sorry to hear about your loss.I had one of my most prized
and valuable vintage double hula nodders was damaged in the earth quake.
I have some good news for you however .PM me I have several Marwals for
you to look at out of my personal collection.
Trader Bill

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2008-08-05 18:52 ]

kikekeki posted on 08/06/2008

Suzy, check you PMs.

tiki-a-fair posted on 08/06/2008

On 2008-08-05 17:36, atomikitty wrote:
Thanks for the condolences guys. . . .

Hey, weird and awesome coincidence. . . I am designing the new menu for the Good Day Cafe!

The owners are a super fantastic young couple, and are huge fans of tiki, as well has having incredible food. . . .mmmmmm. . . .

When the new menu is ready we are planning a luau/art show shindig there! Fun!

Maybe if I beg and plead and give them big sad eyes I can get them to part with their mug as payment. . . .ha ha ha!
How sad that I am serious. . . .

Your naughty, I bought that mug for them, it was a gift!

tiki-a-fair posted on 08/06/2008

I was at the Disneyland shag party for that mug, it's a beauty, so sorry it broke that is awful for sure. I see them on ebay every now and then, I did see not too long along someone on here was trying to trade there's for a different mug. Good Luck in finding one, dont give up, it may take some time but you'll find one.

Tiki Trav posted on 08/07/2008

the sadistic side of me wonders if you took pics after the disaster? what happened?

[ Edited by: tiki trav 2008-08-06 22:02 ]

atomikitty posted on 08/07/2008

Miss Tiki-a-fair!

You got the Shag Adventureland Mug for us at the same Disney event, remember? :)

I was scared to tell you that this beautiful and special mug was no longer with us, after you went to so much trouble! :(

Don't worry, I won't really try to finagle Debbie's. . .she was smart enough to put hers behind glass. . .

Well, I learned an expensive lesson.

Seeing as you are the undisputed shopping queen, I hope you will keep your eyes open for me if another one appears. . .

suzanne posted on 08/07/2008

I am so sorry to hear about your mugs! :( I hope you will be able to find a generous soul to help you replace them soon!


tiki-a-fair posted on 08/07/2008

On 2008-08-07 00:26, atomikitty wrote:
Miss Tiki-a-fair!

You got the Shag Adventureland Mug for us at the same Disney event, remember? :)

I was scared to tell you that this beautiful and special mug was no longer with us, after you went to so much trouble! :(

Don't worry, I won't really try to finagle Debbie's. . .she was smart enough to put hers behind glass. . .

Well, I learned an expensive lesson.

Seeing as you are the undisputed shopping queen, I hope you will keep your eyes open for me if another one appears. . .

I knew you would figure out it was me, I was just being silly to see if you could figure out who it was. I will look for one for you, as you know I am the truly the shopping queen. I hope you can find one, how sad, poor mug. I wouldnt be mad at you for breaking it I love you too much, things happen, stuff gets broken. It will be my duty and goal to find you another one. Oh by the way did those clothes fit you?

jeanfi posted on 08/11/2008

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