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Hello from SE TN!!!

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Randy4ut posted on 08/08/2008

I have just found this place and have been snooping around a bit, and I must say, this is a pretty cool, forum!!! I wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about me... I live in SE TN and have fallen in love with the tropics!!! I guess you could say I have become an addict. Living in SE Tennessee, ain't what you would consider as a tropical paradise, but over the past 3 years or so, I have worked hard to transform my backyard into my own personal retreat. Here is a link to my photobucket account so if anyone would like, they can check out what I have done. All the pictures are located in the subfolders listed on the lefthand side of the main page...


Here is a pic of the house from the back of the yard...

What led me to find you is I have a friend that is going to take the trunk of my now deceased Sabal Palmetto and carve a tiki statue out of the trunk. It should be around 6' in overall height. I have been surfing the web and to my surprise, I have only been able to find about 20 different styles that everyone is trying to sell. Another friend referred me here and told me that there was a thread where a lot of you had posted pictures of your creations. I came and looked and it seems that most of the pics have been removed. Is there any way that whoever has a bit of time could PLEASE post some pics on this thread of their statues so I may be able to find something very unique??? I would really appreciate anyone's input that is able to help out!!! Looking forward to checking out the rest of this site and hope to hear from some of you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me...
BTW, Thanks so much in advance for any and all pics of the statues!!!

Swanky posted on 08/08/2008

Hey Randy,
Look in the Creating Tiki -> Carving thread. There are thousands of pictures there.
I'm here in Knoxville, trying to grow some bananas the size of yours, and some palms too. Big home bar project under way...

Randy4ut posted on 08/08/2008

Hey Swanky!!!!
Man the first reply and from someone within an hour or so of me!!! Small world, huh!??!? Anyway, that is the thread I looked at and the majority of pictures are not showing up for me for some reason. I can see where they were posted, but it is just a small box with an "X" inside. As you can tell, I am not much with puter stuff, so help me out if you understand. BTW, I am planning on installing a palapa this coming spring. Will order the thatch online and have a source for all my posts, poles, etc. Can't wait!!! I have a friend in PA that ordered a kit and LOVES IT!!! Thanks for your reply and hope to hear from you again. As far as bananas and palms go, let me know what you have and if you ever need a specific variety of banana, hollar. I have over 17 different varieties and about that many different types of palms... If you get a chance, check out my photobucket pics and if you see anything that interests you, let me know...

Randy4ut posted on 08/08/2008

Sorry, to keep adding to this thread, but I did find the carving pics that alot of you have posted!!! Man, you guys and gals ROCK!!! I was trying to look at posts on the carving post that is on top. After scrolling on down the forum, I saw the threads. Thanks for making me take a second look, Swanky!!!

MsSwanky posted on 08/08/2008

Hey Randy - welcome to TC! Glad to see another TN person around! You have quite an impressive spread - I never would've guessed you were in TN judging by the plant selection you've got. I'm dying to know where on earth you've found all that stuff? The closest place Swanky and I have been to Knoxville where we could buy palms or bananas is over in either North or South Carolina!

There's a guy in Athens TN who is a big tropical grower. We only just heard about him a few weeks ago. Ever been to the UT Agricultural Gardens? They've got some killer bananas! We discovered Castor beans there about a month ago when we went to a sub-tropical plant class there and just recently bought seeds. I noticed yours, they're great!

Hey, what's the plant in the far right corner of this photo? (the big, leafy plant)

Thanks for the link to your photos - I'm lovin' looking at all of your plants and imagining the possibilities for our yard. If you're ever in K-Town you'll have to come by our place! MsSwanky

Randy4ut posted on 08/08/2008

Thanks for the compliments. The gentleman you spoke of in Athens, is one of the two people that gave me this addiction!!! He is a great guy. As far as the UT botanical gardens, I personally have not been there, but I do have one of my bananas planted there. Another good friend of mine goes to school at UT and works for the Agri dept... I donated a Musa velutina for the gardens. He is also the one that planted the hardy palms around the campus if you have seen any ot them.
Most of my plants now come through trades with people from all over the US and the rest of the world. I have even shipped plants to folks in the Uk and the Netherlands!!! It is a wonderful hobby and I love sharing the plants. If you and yours are ever down this way, stop in and I will be happy to show you around the yard...

Howland posted on 08/20/2008

Hey Randy,
Welcome to TC. I want to know too--what is the plant on the right side of the pic Ms Swank posted?

Randy4ut posted on 08/20/2008

On 2008-08-20 08:02, Howland wrote:
Hey Randy,
Welcome to TC. I want to know too--what is the plant on the right side of the pic Ms Swank posted?

The plant I believe you are referring to is a Manihot grahamii... It is winter hardy in my 7a/b, and comes back with a vengence every spring...

Swanky posted on 08/20/2008

I am guessing you are talking about Frank Glavin at UT. He is the one that gave me the tour and answered my questions.

Randy4ut posted on 08/20/2008

On 2008-08-20 09:15, Swanky wrote:
I am guessing you are talking about Frank Glavin at UT. He is the one that gave me the tour and answered my questions.

Yes, BigDog, aka Frank, is a very good friend of mine and we are always swapping out plants and helping each other in every way we can. He is a top notch guy and very helpful when it comes to bananas and palms... Are you attending UT or did you just visit their gardens?

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