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WANTED: Small(ish) Peacock Chair

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KreepyTiki posted on 08/09/2008

Aloha, all!

I live in West L.A. and I NEED one of these babies for my Tiki Lounge...

This is one which a lucky Florida TC-er "stole" from a thrift store for just $25.00! (I hate you!!) :lol:

And the reason I chose to use that particular image is that space in my lounge is strictly at a premium and the chair shown above is clearly somewhat diminutive compared to many which are just frickin' HUGE.

I need one that is no wider across the back than around 35" or so. Height is less important an issue, but I'd prefer it not be much more than 55" or so.

Lastly -- again referencing the photo -- that chair is exactly the STYLE I'm searching for as well -- i.e., somewhat ornate in the weave and with the wider armrests.

Condition is a secondary issue as long as it doesn't have numerous gaping holes and isn't falling apart.

Cheers & Mahalos! :drink: :tiki:

tonmawrtiki posted on 08/10/2008

I have one i paid £1 for it in a local retirement complex i was working in - but i'm in the uk so sorry cant help!lol

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