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Basic Tiki Equipment on Ebay

Pages: 1 2 replies

tikisobayli posted on 08/10/2008

Hey all,

My wife and I are moving into our first home, and are in the process of thinning out the Wiki Wiki Room collection. We have put a few tiki items up on ebay that some of you may like. Thanks for looking and if you have any questions, just ask away!


tikisobayli posted on 08/11/2008

Just wanted to let everyone know that we just listed a few lots of Exotica/Hawaiian Lp's. Again, nothing too rare in the lots each contain artists like The Surfman, Luke Leilani, Ethel Smith, Martin Denny, Tennessee Ernie Ford (You know it!), and Alfred Apaka.

One of the single records is a great one titled "Savage! Tihati's South Seas Spectacular". I know we have discussed it on TC somewhere but all I can find is back in the early pages of collecting tiki where BK, JTD, and Myself briefly discuss finding the album (like page 31 or so..you know back when BK found just about anything possible!, those were the days!).

Anyway, take a look, there are some gems that we listed! Help us move into our new MCM styled ranch here in Atlanta. Wait till we get in there and the Wiki Wiki Room rises again!


[ Edited by: tikisobayli 2008-08-11 17:17 ]

tikisobayli posted on 08/16/2008

Thanks to everyone who got some stuff in the first round. Just under a day left on some really good deals on fundamental listening for any tiki person.

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