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Grinds in SoCal

Pages: 1 12 replies

Atomic Cocktail posted on 06/15/2003

Stumbled across this list of Hawaiian restaurants in Southern California:


Bring on the Spam Musubi!

Also, here's an interesting article on traditional Hawaiian use of plants as foodstuffs:


Now to find a good recipe for long-pig.


First link didn't work properly, here it is more accurately -- http://alohaworld.com/platelunch/

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 06/17/2003

Ok, this place isn't tiki or Hawaiian, but is a place that I would include by way of those that love to surf and grew up here in SoCal, particularly, Costa Mesa, Newport & Huntington Beach, and want a FANTASTIC fish taco.

Ben, Bong, Spike...what do you think?


thejab posted on 06/17/2003

On 2003-06-16 19:10, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:
Ok, this place isn't tiki or Hawaiian, but is a place that I would include by way of those that love to surf and grew up here in SoCal, particularly, Costa Mesa, Newport & Huntington Beach, and want a FANTASTIC fish taco.

Ben, Bong, Spike...what do you think?


Last Fall on a visit to LA to buy a car we drove to Costa Mesa and had lunch at Wahoo's and then bowled at Kona Lanes. Wahoo's is the best! Cheap beer and great food - the fish tacos and all the rest too.

Unga Bunga posted on 06/17/2003

The Royal Hawaiian in Laguna Beach is a fun spot.

stentiki posted on 06/18/2003

Wahoos! Woo hoo!

Da best!

Luckydesigns posted on 06/18/2003

Wahoo's is great, I ate there two days ago. That chain is exploding! They just put one in Fashion Island!

I also of course love In n' Out and after a good long sesh, TC Burger (voted the best burgers in Orange County). I always go to the one at the Newport Pier but they also have one on PCH in Huntington.

Luckydesigns posted on 06/19/2003

I meant TK Burger, not TC. I think I may spend too much time on here.

christiki295 posted on 06/19/2003

I'm a Rubio's fish taco man, myself.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 06/19/2003

TK Burgers (The Kind Burgers...variation of "da kine" burgers) is great! Jim, the owner, was one of my old clients, and now has become a good friend. He lives just down the street from KC Heylin, who sells great vintage Hawaiiana & Tiki items and was on the last SoCal Tiki Crawl.

Anyway, if you ever see Jim at his Huntington Beach location, just tell him Frank told you about his great vintage surf/Hawaiiana filled office (especially the pictures & posters), and he'll most likely take you for the upstairs tour.

Did you notice how his female employees resemble aspiring models? (They are!) :wink:

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/19/2003


Jim was at Da Show on Saturday. Nice guy. Great burgers.

(although I always thought it odd he spells it "Da Kind" as opposed to "Da Kine" (?))

Luckydesigns posted on 06/20/2003

The TK Burger in Newport has a bunch of tiki stuff in it and pictures of huge surf days in Newport. There are a bunch of pictures of my buddies riding huge Wedge too.

Super local restaurant, that is, until the summer comes and screws everything up.

Atomic Cocktail posted on 06/20/2003

Too many burgers-MORE SPAM!

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