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Forbidden Island: LIVE at Tiki Oasis! Cocktails & a bonus surprise!

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martiki posted on 08/05/2008


I'm pleased to say that Forbidden Island will be joining the NorCal Ohana in Tikitastic's Suite 1849 with a first time ever experience:

On Saturday the 16th from 6-8pm, come by and enjoy a Forbidden Island Cocktail, available outside of the bar for the very first time!


Believe it or not, buried in the back of the shed, we have unearthed a forgotten case of ORIGINAL ISSUE Forbidden Island Brown Tiki Mugs! We will be selling these very limited supply mugs for $20 while they last! Don't miss these (I swear it this time!) last EVER Brown FI Mugs!

See you then!


RevBambooBen posted on 08/05/2008

Will you be mixin Hinano too?

martiki posted on 08/05/2008

It's BYOH. :)

Tikitastic posted on 08/06/2008

Wear your Forbidden Island shirt to this stop on the room crawl and show your love for everyone's favorite tiki bar in all of Alameda!!!!

alohacurrent posted on 08/06/2008

Are you bringing any FI shirts with you? I'd be happy to buy one and show some love. Size large :wink:

Molokai Mike posted on 08/06/2008

Forbidden Island will be well represented at Oasis this year. Owners Michael and Martin, as well as FI server extraordinaire Melissa aka Retro Diva. We're proud to be a part of Tikitastic's Norcal Suite - the perfect venue to take our signature drink off site for the first time.
Retro Diva will be selling Forbidden Island T shirts; Bowling shirts and Muddlers at her booth both days.

See ya all there... Room 1849!!!

Tai Won On posted on 08/12/2008

Having Forbidden Island serving drinks at our party? That's like Tiger Woods showing up at a golf clinic.
Thanks Conga Mike and Martin for upping our cool factor.

Daves Not Home posted on 08/12/2008

On 2008-08-04 22:04, martiki wrote:
It's BYOH. :)

Bring Your Own Ho?

Tiki Glam posted on 08/13/2008

On 2008-08-04 21:59, martiki wrote:

I'm pleased to say that Forbidden Island will be joining the NorCal Ohana in Tikitastic's Suite 1849 with a first time ever experience:

On Saturday the 16th from 6-8pm, come by and enjoy a Forbidden Island Cocktail, available outside of the bar for the very first time!


Believe it or not, buried in the back of the shed, we have unearthed a forgotten case of ORIGINAL ISSUE Forbidden Island Brown Tiki Mugs! We will be selling these very limited supply mugs for $20 while they last! Don't miss these (I swear it this time!) last EVER Brown FI Mugs!

See you then!


WOW! Thrilling!

bigtikidude posted on 08/13/2008

can you please make sure you bring XXL shirts.
I bought a triple X shirt and it just didn't shrink at all,
I know baggy is in, but this is silly,
and im not that fat.
so a XXL would be nice to buy.


martiki posted on 08/13/2008

There will be XXLs at Melissa's booth- pay her a visit!!

cheers, btd.

Molokai Mike posted on 08/14/2008

Melissa has all sizes with her this year-bowling shirts and FI T shirts - including the new "wide neck" girls T's

Unga Bunga posted on 08/15/2008

As in "more cleavage"?

WooHooWahine posted on 08/18/2008

Mahalo to Forbidden Island Ohana for Hosting a Tiki-rrific Room Party.

floratina posted on 08/18/2008

On 2008-08-17 18:30, WooHooWahine wrote:
Mahalo to Forbidden Island Ohana for Hosting a Tiki-rrific Room Party.

Do my eyes deceive me or is that the illusive Mr. Weezer there with Uncle Arty?

stentiki posted on 08/18/2008


Yup, that is indeed the illusive Mr. Weezer from Room 135 holding me up with Soccer. We were asking around about you. Apparently, you've become somewhat illusive yourself!

Martin, thanks again for hosting a great party!

Hope to make it up to Forbidden Island sometime.

danlovestikis posted on 08/21/2008

We were there earlier and then conked out. We were able to see the brother bar mug to Forbidden Island from the Conga Lounge. If only I'd taken a photo of the back of the mug, it's well done too. We have to get one or more of these. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2008-08-21 16:43 ]

KreepyTiki posted on 09/02/2008

Aloha, Ohana!

What a blast it was! Major mahalos, Martin!

I thought I'd share a few of the pics I snapped (do digi-cameras "snap"???) of the Forbidden Island shindig.

First there was this "forbidding" obstacle to overcome...

Why, it's Humuhumu and Rich -- and they weren't lettin' NOBODY in early!

Then it was Martin servin' up delicious signature Forbidden Island's -- with a Zombie on the side!

(MARTIN'S side, that is!)

And a colorful party guest who really got into the spirit(s)!...

And, last but not least, I'll leave you with the spectacular view from the room party's balcony...

Cheers! :drink: :tiki:

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