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!!!!!!!!!!!!Bay Area Tiki Event July 28th!!!!!!!!!!

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martiki posted on 07/16/2002

Some of you may have read my earlier posts about Bamboo Island, the new restaurant in Pleasanton. Well, they have been open for a few months and are doing well, according to my coversation last week with the owner. But they haven't had a proper opening celebration until now:

On Sunday the 28th of July, they will be hosting their First (hopefully) Annual Island Luau. Here's what you'll get:

-A buffet featuring slow roasted pig, mahi mahi, salmon, and I can't remember the rest.
-One free Mai Tai or Lava Flow per person
-Happy Hour pricing all day. ($4 for select tropical drinks)
-All this for $20 per person.

For those who have not seen the place yet, is it tiki? No- it looks like a Roy's. But once again, we should encourage places that try at least. There are about nine exotic drinks on the menu, some look pretty good, and many promise fresh juice. There are also two very large, semi-Marquesan tikis inside, so it could be worse.

I say, let's show 'em how it's done. Show up in full regalia and do it up right.

Tiki Central has a table for ten people reserved already for six p.m. I'm sure I could add more if there's demand. RSVP to this thread, and let's have a blast. I need to hear back from everyone by Friday the 19th so I can let them know a final head count well in advance, as they expect to be booked solid.

(Perhaps after dinner drinks in Emeryville at a little place out on the water?)

Hope we can get a tikiposse,


thejab posted on 07/16/2002

Please add me plus one for the Luau!

Fonduie posted on 07/16/2002

Sounds good. Would you please include two more. My buddy Jessica and I would like to go as well. Thanks!

mig posted on 07/16/2002

Me as well! Thanks for coordinating. Cool to see Fonduie again! :)

thejab posted on 07/17/2002


I just remembered I have tickets to see Television (the band) that night so please count me out of the luau. Sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused.

Wrath_of_Tiki posted on 07/20/2002

Huh? WHERE IS THIS PLACE??? I work in Pleasanton and have never heard of it!

Also, we have a new (sort of, about a year old now I think) Tiki bar in Walnut Creek too -- Tiki Tom's. It's actually a little more Hawaiian than Tiki, but still their drink list is very close to Trader Vic's (and about as pricey!) Unfortunately, on weekends it's tought to just go for drinks as they take reservations for dinner and live show. There dinners are also pricey at nothing to write home about....

Wrath_of_Tiki posted on 07/20/2002

Found it! Damn! two blocks away from my daughter's daycare and I never knew...where is my sixth tiki sense >:-(

Well, I'll have to go there for lunch next week. I'll let you know how it is.

martiki posted on 07/22/2002

All right, everyone: where are you guys hiding?

Mig, Fonduie: right on.

The Jab: Grrr.... :) Since you have the coolest tapa suit in the world, you are forgiven.

I has lunch there last week and can report that the food is very good! I wish I could say the same for the drinks, but we can fix that. The Mai Tai is a loooooooong way from a traditional, but is refreshing and not full of grenadine at least.

I want to fill this table! We've got five- c'mon bay area types, give me five more:

Hanford, Aquarj, midnite, wrath_of_tiki, tikiboy, TikiHula, Tiki-Bot, Kingslod, dogbytes (Hollister isn't that far!), and everyone else that I forgot- what are you doing Sunday?

I'll give this a little more time. Post here by Wednesday night. It'll be fun, or by God, liquor will make it fun.


Tiki King posted on 07/23/2002

If I can, I will.

aquarj posted on 07/25/2002

Martiki, please put me down for two seats at the table, if available.

Pleasanton is a big ol' drive from San Mateo - if any other peninsula-based attendees (Mig? Fonduie?) would like to carpool with us or even provide the wheels, that could be fun. If so, we could depart from my place in case you wanna check out the Lanai tiki in its new home. I am kapu@mindspring.com

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 07/25/2002

I'm going away this weekend or I would stumble along.
Have fun!

Tiki King posted on 07/25/2002

So where is this place and what time does it begin?

TikiHula posted on 07/25/2002

Hey, sorry I forgot to post this earlier- I'll definitely be there, camera in hand, to have some good food and conversation with y'all!!

TikiHula posted on 07/25/2002

Don't know what time it starts, but here's a mapquest map of how to get there:

Mapquest link

[Edited by Hanford to make the link smaller]

Not too far off hwy 680....

mahalo and 135 to you all!

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2002-07-26 16:04 ]

Tiki-bot posted on 07/25/2002

Thanks for thinking of me, Martiki, but I sadly can't make it that day. Maybe we can have a more centralized event (meaning: in the City) in the near future? Who knows, maybe even the mysterious Hanford will even show up and I can return his Pineapple-God Tiki!


martiki posted on 07/25/2002

Funny you should mention it, Bot. Look for another thread soon about a party in the city....


Tiki King posted on 07/26/2002

Well if all goes well, Tiki King, Queen and Princess will be in attendance. See you all there...

martiki posted on 07/26/2002

OK! Looking good, Team Tiki!

Here's the roundup. We've got eleven for the Luau, so the table is full. (Depending on the size of the Tiki Princess, King- do we need a high chair or a regular chair?)

The roll call is as follows:

Fonduie (Shannon)
Aquarj (Randy)
TikiHula (Mike)
Tiki King
Tiki Queen
Tiki Princess (mysteriously nameless Tiki Royal Family)
Martiki (Martin)
Rebecca (Mrs. Martiki)

Everyone plan on meeting in the lobby at 5:45. If we're seated, then ask for the reservation held under Martin for 10 at 6:00 pm (It might be under the name Ted, but I'm pretty sure it's Martin).

Remember to don full tiki regalia and do Tiki Central Proud. They have no idea what they're in for!

If you're looking for me, I'm 6' tall, balding with a crewcut and a goatee, and will be wearing a shirt with drinks on it, and one of the King's necklaces.

If anyone else wants in, it's getting very tight for this big table- post here IMMEDIATELY and I'll try to get us some more, but I can't make guarantees at tis point.

Looking forward to Sunday,


TikiHula posted on 07/26/2002

I'll bring video CDs for everyone of the video I shot at the Tropics. It's unedited, but fun to watch.

mig posted on 07/26/2002

Hey kids-- just reconfirming that yes, I will indeed be there. I'll probably just go on my own (rather than meet up beforehand), because I'll probably be up in SF earlier that day. So I'll just see you all there!

Fonduie posted on 07/28/2002

Sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to you. (I just returned from a trip to beautiful San Diego, but that's a whole other thread) Jessica and I would love to car pool. We would also love to pay our respects to the Lanai Tiki now that it has acclimated to it's new habitat. Go ahead and send me a private message if you get this in time so we can coordinate.

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