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online auction question, besides ebay what is there?

Pages: 1 5 replies

TikiGoddess posted on 08/22/2008

Hi, I am hoping some TCers can assist me. I would like to know if anyone can recommend an online auction site other than ebay. I am interested in selling items on a site that is not ebay (for reasons I wont get into here) but I dont know which auction format sites are reputable. Has anyone had experience selling items on any of these competing sites and which are safe to use? I googled a bunch of sites but I cant tell which is best so I am asking. Thanks in advance.

Haole'akamai posted on 08/22/2008

What are you looking to sell/buy?

If it's handmade (or sewing/craft-oriented), you can try http://www.etsy.com - I've found great stuff (fabric, vintage patterns, etc.) there.

TikiGoddess posted on 08/22/2008

I am looking to sell, in an auction style format where buyers bid, rather than a fixed price marketplace, vintage knick knack antique type items like pottery and glass, old books and old kitchen items. No handmade stuff.

[ Edited by: TikiGoddess 2008-08-22 07:44 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/22/2008

..i use ebay exclusively and now i'm curious as to why you don't....i'd like to hear more about that...is there something we need to know about ebay?

also...does yahoo still have auctions??

TikiGoddess posted on 08/22/2008

ebay is making a number of changes that will negatively impact sellers, starting in Oct 2008. I wont torture everyone w/ my complaints here, but I sell on ebay to fund a dog rescue and the changes are going to really cut into my funding. You can read about the changes on ebays website. Basically its paypal must be used, and when buyers complain in any way sellers can be barred from ebay.

davealmost posted on 08/28/2008

i've also noted those changes along with the increased sellers fees in the past. about a month ago i sold a few items and later compared it to what i was charged a few years ago and was a little stunned (including the paypal fees). to be honest, now, i wouldn't list something on ebay unless it was a big ticket item.

also, yahoo is no longer doing auctions.

[ Edited by: davealmost 2008-08-27 22:36 ]

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