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It was the Rattlesnake or me!

Pages: 1 11 replies

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 06/18/2003

Yesterday, a big Timber Rattler tried to get me. However, being the redneck I am, I put him to sleep quick. I was walking by my Hay Barn and the Bastard just struck at me, hanging a tooth in my pants. Thank God For Loaded Guns!

tiki-riviera posted on 06/18/2003

Did you eat the rattlesnake? They are great
fried with a litle bread coating!

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 06/18/2003

Nah, too much lead in him. If you know what I mean.

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/18/2003

I hear it tastes like frog legs...

floratina posted on 06/18/2003

That 2nd Amendment thing can be useful.

Tiki Diablo posted on 06/18/2003

That's too close KTBG. On your pant leg! I'm sweating even! I've also had two close calls here in socal. It ain't fun. That's why I stopped MTB'ing . ....Yeah, that's it.

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 06/18/2003

First time I got hit (well, closest to getting hit), but thats like the 12th one I took out on my property in two years. There has got to be a big hole full of them somewhere.

Oh and they do taste like froglegs, and guess what, frog legs taste like...chicken!

JTD posted on 06/19/2003


For a second, I thought you were gonna say....sea turtle.


Geeky Tiki posted on 06/23/2003


Made me lift my leg up on the chair as I read it!

I'd a shot my own dang leg, most likely!


[ Edited by: Geeky Tiki on 2003-06-23 13:12 ]

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 06/23/2003

My trophy. Hope no one goes APESHIT over this like they did that whole turtle thing.

tikifish posted on 06/24/2003

Is that your dick-end?


KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 06/24/2003

I guess it could be since I don't know what a dickend is. Those Euro's are something else. They remind me of those Canadi....opps! (just kidding with you tikifish, you are a god in my book)

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