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eBay: paipo #51 - $OLD

Pages: 1 5 replies

Paipo posted on 08/26/2008

This is the most complex and detailed piece I have carved so far this year (and probably for the rest of the year too):

Listing Removed - $OLD via buynow. More coming soon!

I had fully intended to concentrate on cheaper/simpler tikis for a while, but this fella somehow ate up all my time. If he's too rich for your blood, I will have more beachcomber necklaces and some "regular" tikis coming soon. Thanks for looking!

[ Edited by: Paipo 2008-08-27 16:32 ]

TikiTres posted on 08/26/2008

Nice work Paipo, it's a real beauty! For some reason I keep thinking of floating ghosty heads when I look at it though....


heelgrinder posted on 08/26/2008

PAIPO! quit being so awesome! :)

fantastic work. i'm in love with it, as usual!

VanTiki posted on 08/27/2008

And the stones on the beach cried.

"Why are you crying?" asked Paipo

"Because you have not picked us up yet" answered the stones

Seriously, your work is breathtaking!


1961surf posted on 08/27/2008

Absolutely off the charts Paipo- as usuall !!!

timidtiki posted on 08/27/2008

Nice, nice, nice, nice!!!! And, I'm sure Pele is still lurking in there . . . think about it!

Pages: 1 5 replies