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Spring Atomic Ranch Bigbrotiki's house!

Pages: 1 12 replies

sputnikmoss posted on 02/16/2008

I got my new Atomic Ranch in the mail today....nice article Sven! Jim and Michelle shot my house last July and they mentioned something about a crazy tiki house after seeing my mug collection. I had no idea it was you! Nice!

bongofury posted on 02/17/2008

It is a good article with lots of photos. I recommend finding a copy. Sputnik.....has your house been featured yet? if not let us know when. Jim & Michelle are very nice people and put out a great magazine.

sputnikmoss posted on 02/17/2008

On 2008-02-16 16:34, bongofury wrote:
It is a good article with lots of photos. I recommend finding a copy. Sputnik.....has your house been featured yet? if not let us know when. Jim & Michelle are very nice people and put out a great magazine.

It will be out this year..so most likely Summer or Fall issue. My husband and I wrote an article on vintage dishware for them Winter 2005 and were happy to finally meet them in person when they moved to Portland. They are in the Mid-Century Modern League with us and are super cool people.

Sputnik Housewares....Jetset Furnishings from the Atomic Age!

[ Edited by: sputnikmoss 2008-08-26 13:24 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/17/2008

You da man!

catmomma posted on 02/18/2008

I wrote a letter that got published back in issus 13 with a pic of my bar. I was writing them because of their lack of tiki in the magazine. I am thrilled to see Sven's house in this issue. woohoo, way to go!

bigbrotiki posted on 02/19/2008

Well I'll be....! I had no idea this was out until someone stumbled over it at the Modernism Show!

In case anybody has any doubts at this point where my affinities lie...
From now on I want to be known as:

I must say I am quite happy with the spread!

I got to credit a bunch of the artists whose work is pictured

Well whaddaya know:


RevBambooBen posted on 02/19/2008

That's Arrrsome ....BBBT!

jpmartdog posted on 02/19/2008

Very Cool Sven, Congrats.... can't wait to see the mag!

Koolau posted on 02/19/2008

I've commented in previous threads about how Atomic Ranch seems to seethe with contempt for Polynesian Pop - the title of the article doesn't do anything to change my perception. If Sven is happy with the article, that's a good sign, but I'll withhold final judgment until I get my copy.

ms pleasant posted on 02/20/2008

I'm always thrilled when our Atomic Ranch arrives in the mail, but this was the best yet. We were fighting over who got to look at it first. Sven, we loved what you had to say and the pictures of your collection. Although, I have to admit, the Tahiti Bar has always been my favorite and I'm super envious!! Someday I will find one!!!

CheekyGirl posted on 02/22/2008

Yes, I love this magazine. It's always a treat. Especially so this time when I saw the article. Nice write-up, nice pictures.

Incidentally, there's a very cool Allandale home a couple of miles from my neck of the woods. Shame it all covered up by a tall fence. One of these days, I'm gonna get out of my car and hop the fence or maybe just bring big ladder and do a little peeping-tom-ing...

sputnikmoss posted on 08/28/2008

On 2008-02-16 16:34, bongofury wrote:
It is a good article with lots of photos. I recommend finding a copy. Sputnik.....has your house been featured yet? if not let us know when. Jim & Michelle are very nice people and put out a great magazine.


Pages 20-23 of the "Working Class Heroes" article.

hala bullhiki posted on 08/28/2008

!awsome, cant wait to get the new issue sputnik!

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