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Hukilau's whos' who?

Pages: 1 6 replies

Mambo posted on 06/24/2003

This being my first (well, you know what I mean), how do we know who is who from TC at the Hukilau events Friday at the Holiday Inn
and Sat. at the Mai Kai? Are there going to be name tags or something?

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 06/24/2003

I'll be wearing a custom carved 1 foot by 3 foot "SugarCaddyDaddy" plaque...ha!

Good question Mambo, but I would be that Swanky has the name tag thing covered.

tikimug posted on 06/24/2003

I'm not sure who's all going, but a quick study of these "mug shots" and maybe you could pick out some faces in the crowd!

[ Edited by: tikimug on 2003-06-23 19:33 ]

Boob posted on 06/24/2003

I'll be the one missing one ear. Long story......horrible night! Huh?

Traderpup posted on 06/24/2003

I fly in to Ft Lauderdale Thursday evening, and right after I check in, I plan to head over to check out the Wreck Bar at the Sheraton Yankee Clipper.

I'll probably get there around 10pm. They have live music entertainment, don't know what, guess it will be a surprise!

Feel free to join me, unless there happens to be some other great Thurs night gathering that I don't know about....!


mrsmiley posted on 06/25/2003

Mr. Smiley is heading to the Hukilau tommorrow AM. I will be turning off my Tiki Central message email, so email me at and I'll try to hit an internet cafe to retrieve messages.---Bruce

Swanky posted on 06/25/2003

ANyone who wants to bring some name tags, that would be great. We had no time. We thought about some labels and printing "Aloha, my TC name is" on them, but time is our enemy.

The Yankee Clipper is cool. Have not been, but our scout Tristan looked into it and actually having the event there, but it is too small and the hotel itself is a bit run down. They also had an event already.

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