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Tiki Oasis Twitters?

Pages: 1 7 replies


If I'm not too distracted with all the goings-on, I'll be updating my Twitter feed while I'm at Oasis:


Will anyone else be Twittering along at Tiki Oasis?



Hooray Tiki Tweets! I can experience Oasis vicariously through the magic of intertubes! Any one going to be broadcasting?

Tweet me up

Barefoot bloggin'

[ Edited by: Chongolio 2008-08-13 16:44 ]


I'll be Twittering as well, now and then! Unfortunately (or some might say fortunately) my webcam is not mobile, so no broadcasting for me.


[ Edited by: JenTiki 2008-08-13 15:47 ]

I'm 'ol skool and still send smoke signals to communicate with far-off people and lands. But maybe Humu will let me Tweet with her :).

Expect a midnight call MONKEY BOY!

[ Edited by: Daves Not Home 2008-08-14 10:29 ]

On 2008-08-14 10:28, Daves Not Home wrote:

Expect a midnight call MONKEY BOY!

I will be sure to have my my phone set to vibrate and tucked away in the secret pocket of my tiki jammies. Remmber the three hour time difference! You will have to be calling me at 3:00 AM your time. Isn't that going to be past your bed time Gramps?

p.s Have a good time ya punk



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