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Unkle Fun’s Banana Boat release Party

Pages: 1 4 replies

unklefun posted on 09/14/2008

Aloha folks, I just want to let you know Holden down at Tiki Farm really knows how to share the aloha spirit. As the grand prize winner of the Tiki Idol American Idol Contest last year, The Farm flew my family down to sunny San Clemente for some OC beach living. We where set up in a Condo right off the beach. Here are a few pictures I took of the party and the beach side. For some reason a bunch of the photos have become corrupted so here’s just a few from the weekend.

This is Squids magic, perfect rendition of original

Swag from the Party!

working hard at the Farm

Mai Tai induced mothers milk

Rapa Nui party out of bounds


Holdens New Tatoo


Check out da spread!

San Clemente beach side

Mahalo from the fam

There are a few Banana Boats lefts, get'em while there hot at http://www.tikifarm.com tell'em Unkle Fun sent-cha!

[ Edited by: unklefun 2008-09-14 15:12 ]

[ Edited by: unklefun 2008-09-14 18:45 ]

Bora Boris posted on 09/15/2008

Thanks for posting the pictures Unkle Fun, that was a good night. I remember it like it was three months ago. :wink:

RevBambooBen posted on 09/15/2008

Where the hell was I?

Looked like fun!!!!

Unkle Fun Rocks!!!

Rasta Brudda from anudda mudda!

See you soon.......

1st week O 'Roctober.

still tradin?

bananabobs posted on 09/15/2008

On 2008-09-14 15:08, unklefun wrote:

Hey unklefun, Is this a drawn picture or a photograph, in other words, howyadoit?

As the Most Great Rev. B-ben said, Rasta Brudda from anudda mudda! Unkle Fun Rocks!!!

SuperEight posted on 09/17/2008

I met Uncle Fun at the Forbidden Island Parking Lot Sale last Sunday and he is a great guy. He was really excited about winning which was refreshing and out there singing the praises of Tiki Farm. So congrats on winning, your banana boat was a deserving champ.

Pages: 1 4 replies