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Tiki Apartments (Torrance) Apartment(s) Available

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Swangulo Tikis posted on 09/19/2008

There's a 1 bedroom for rent there - it's $1325. The manager's # is 310-378-6544. When I spoke to him he said there would be a 2 bed/2 bath (w/ fireplace) available in November, which they are completely updating and will be $1750.

I was talking with a friend who knows someone who used to live there, I believe in the 1980s. He was saying there was evidence of an intercom system that they may have piped Hawaiian music through the apartments - does anyone know about this? This is second-hand info and it sounds a little strange to me, but I guess you never know...


tikiyaki posted on 09/19/2008

Our keyboard player lives down the street from there. He said he went and looked at an apartment there, and the one dealbreaker for him was...no parking.

The don't have enough parking spaces to accomodate everyone, so there is a waiting list to get parking spaces.

Redondo beach in the summer gets pretty crowded and parking can be a real pain.

That's the caviat.

I'd live there in a heartbeat tho'...walking distance to Riviera Village and the Beach....sweet !!! Also, the closest thing to real NY Pizza is right there in Riviera Village...Pedone's Pizza...Some of the best I've had in Cali. That's a HUGE plus for the area as far as I'm concerned.

[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2008-09-19 13:46 ]

Swangulo Tikis posted on 09/19/2008

I think the 1 bedroom has no parking (hence why it is a bit cheaper than usual) but the 2 bedroom one that's opening up does come with a parking space.

Yes, parking anywhere in the Beach Cities SUCKS! As does traffic.
(Then how do they deal with it? Add more condos! And retail complexes! But that's a different story for another time.)
Also there is a church next door - nothing against church-goers, but anyone who's lived next door to a church knows what street parking is like on a Sunday.
Also P.V. Blvd is a fairly major/busy road.

[ Edited by: Swangulo Tikis 2008-09-19 15:25 ]

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