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Friends of Ardent Mixology (FOAM) makes the newspaper!

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**Many of you cocktail enthusiasts may not have yet heard of FOAM, (founded by Tiki Central's own weirduncletiki). An "Old School" cocktail club with a feel of another time when "gentlemen" sported a coat and tie and "ladies" wore elegant evening wear to go to a friend's house for evening cocktails.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg or maybe ice-cube in this case!
FOAM is really about elevating the appreciation of the cocktail to a higher level. There are no bottled juices here....no my friends everything is FRESH SQUEEZED here, top shelf liquors, fresh garnishes and so!
There is a Grand Meeting every other month and a FOAM field trip on the following months. FOAM field trips can be anything from an outing to some local cocktail establishments to taste and RATE their cocktails for FOAM APPROVAL to wonderful trips to places like Distillery No.209 ( http://www.distillery209.com/ ) in San Francisco for a fully hosted tour and tasting of their crafted Gin.
During Grand Meetings we've had award winning guest bartenders to distillery owners from the likes of Charbay ( http://www.charbay.com/ ) who have blessed us with generous pours of hand crafted, limited edition Whiskey that sell for $350 a bottle in stores! :o

Needless to say it's always a good time at FOAM! :D :drink:

In October our Grand Meeting will be a special presentation and tasting of ABSINTHE!


If you are interested in becoming a member of FOAM please feel free to contact weirduncletiki or myself. :wink:

Sincerely yours in GREEN Illusions,


Interesting...between our classic bar tours and the high standard of the cocktails mixed at our home parties here in the big apple, I think we pretty much have a chapter already up and running here in NYC.

Maybe we need to join forces to cover the coasts and then we can work our way towards meeting in the middle...

A recent gathering:

I'm not an alcoholic, I'm an enthusiast.

[ Edited by: leisure master 2008-10-01 13:32 ]


You are doing good work, sir.

Unlike the 1990s cocktail culture revival -- which seemed to be more about appreciating lounge music than the making of excellent drinks (martinis possibly excepted) -- this new cocktail revival 2.0 is really gaining momentum, and seems to really be about the careful preparation of classic cocktails.

You probably know about LUPEC already:
...who have chapters in several cities.

And of course there is my own small contribution, a latter-day redux of the concept that my ancient and crusty Tiki Bar Review Pages began way back in 1994:

My only concern about FOAM is that it not be confused with FOM!

When you right and left coasters are ready to launch a middle America chapter, count me in for the Chicago lodge!

On 2008-10-01 16:02, tikibars wrote:
My only concern about FOAM is that it not be confused with FOM!

Do you mean "Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie","Followers of Malkav" or "Fond Obshchestvennoye Mnenie"?

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