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Carving panels

Pages: 1 20 replies

Psycho Tiki D posted on 09/29/2008


Gonna try my hand at carving some panels. I didn't see much information here for panel carving and wondered if anyone else is carving them? I want to cover some beams on my patio.

I have started by penciling out my geometric design and will go back and add more details as this progresses.

Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks for your time!


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2008-09-29 07:58 ]

Matt Reese posted on 09/29/2008

Check out any of the Bamboo Ben threads. He has the router action down.

Rob Roy posted on 09/29/2008

If using a router, use a face shield.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 09/29/2008

No routers this time around...getting used to using the chisels on this one.

Best way to clean up the carving areas?


Lake Surfer posted on 09/29/2008

I get an order about once a month for panels and trim.

Here's some I did back in January for a local tiki bar.

There are others on TC that have done panels and posts... check out some of the backyard pics... Howland has some great work on this outside bar.

As for keeping things clean, the key is keeping the tools sharp!

LOL Tiki posted on 09/29/2008

What's the proper tools/chisel to use for this kind of work? I've been thinking about trying something like this; I want to create a crown molding for a room in my home.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 09/29/2008

That sure is some nice work Lake Surfer!

Progess for today (until the house painter called and I had to emtpy the patio so they could power wash the house)...

Using a set of chisels I picked up awhile back. Twelve differt types, although for this project I have only used two.

I'll keep plugging along...and having fun while doing it. (Although cross-grain carving is a challenge).


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2008-09-29 15:17 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 09/30/2008

That's a good start Tiki D.

You might want to purchase a V Gouge if you don't have one yet.

Gives a clean cut and as long as its sharp you won't have cross-grain problems.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 09/30/2008

On 2008-09-29 18:25, Lake Surfer wrote:
That's a good start Tiki D.

You might want to purchase a V Gouge if you don't have one yet.

Gives a clean cut and as long as its sharp you won't have cross-grain problems.

Thanks! Funny, about the only one not in the set I bought...I'll go get one!


TheBigT posted on 10/01/2008

Looks like a good start. Which chisels did you use so far?

Psycho Tiki D posted on 10/02/2008

A little more progress today. Just working on this in my spare time and getting a feel for using the chisels.

And the only tools I have used so far...



tikimecula posted on 10/02/2008

3/8" V-tool, would work alot easier for what your doing. Just don't try to take out to much waste all at once.

TikiVic posted on 10/02/2008

Here's a pattern I've been working on:

tikitonga posted on 10/06/2008

Looking good. Do you mind if I ask what kind of wood you are using? I've been trying for months to locate some basswood logs with no luck at all. Most online suppliers only supply planks.....so maybe I'll start with that.

TikiVic posted on 10/07/2008

Actually it's American Cherry oiled with medium dark Watco Danish oil. The final moldings are carved from African Mahogany. I'll post pics soon....V

Psycho Tiki D posted on 10/09/2008

TikiVic...Amazing detail!

I am using a higher grade fir board, about $15.00 from Lowes...

Finished the pattern today, all done by hand!

Next will be more details in the diamond and rectangle shapes with tiki images!


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2008-10-08 17:18 ]

TikiVic posted on 10/09/2008

Looks great...I love the geometric patterns. Not sure where you reside but here in the LA area I've found that some tropical hardwoods are actually a bit less expensive than the "high grade" pine, etc. that Lowes/Home Depot sells. That's because true hardwood is sold by the "board foot" rather than the "linear foot". I've tried carving both and found the hardwoods far superior.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 10/09/2008

Thanks for the information and I'll give the hardwoods a whirl one of my next attempts!


Benzart posted on 10/10/2008

I agree that the hardwoods are better and wil cut much cleaner and take less time to clean up.
Your panels are good but think that a pencil or something wrapped in 220 grit sandpaper would clean out the lines and make them look Excellent.
Still, Nice job!

TikiVic posted on 11/28/2008

Carved in African Mahogany.

Fugu posted on 11/28/2008

That's really beautiful, TikiVic!

Pages: 1 20 replies