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La Mariana's future?

Pages: 1 5 replies

Hibiscus posted on 10/16/2008

I was wondering if anyone knew the latest on the fate of La Mariana, now that Miss Annette has passed? The most recent posts about the place don't really indicate too much about what's happening, beyond that it's for sale.

My husband and I were there two years ago, and by happy coincidence, will be in Honolulu for a few hours in mid-November, between flights. We'd love to raise a mai tai to the lady if the place is still going to be around.

Mahalo in advance for any info...

Hibiscus posted on 10/16/2008

Whoops, I think this should probably have gone into General Tiki. Sorry about that.

Admins, please move it if necessary.

Mo-Eye posted on 10/16/2008

If you search, this thread has the most up to date info.


Hibiscus posted on 10/17/2008

Thanks, Mo-Eye. I did see that thread, but I was just throwing out the question in case anyone had heard of any more recent updates.

I'm guessing we'll just call the restaurant from the airport, and grab a cab there if they are, in fact, still operating. Otherwise we'll kill the time between flights in Waikiki or something.

Fingers crossed that La Mariana lives on!

Mo-Eye posted on 10/17/2008

They are open and doing fine. I was just there a few days ago. There is no plan of anything happening to them anytime soon. They just have a dumb legal battle to go through with this guy who already has other court appearances schedule for other fraud cases that he has been involved with.


Hibiscus posted on 10/18/2008

Thanks - that's great that they're not planning anything dire any time soon. I appreciate the help!

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