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Socktoberfest October 24, 2008 6:30pm Las Vegas!

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inkylouise posted on 10/17/2008

Hubert the Sock Monkey is having his Birthday party this year at our house in beautiful Las Vegas, NV.

Please PM me if your Lederhosen are clean and you are thirsty for keg-tapped Socktoberfest Beer!

mrsmiley posted on 10/21/2008

Inky the cat is ready!

Haole'akamai posted on 10/21/2008

Chicken X Jr. LIVES!!!

Oof! Tofujoe has his Veganhosen packed, along mit und dozen Tofurky Beer Brats!

Oof! Oof, I say...

The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 10/21/2008

Whatever happened to good ol' Russell, the sock monkey?? He's famous. First sock monkey on stage at the Mai Kai. And the last, as far as I know.

suzanne posted on 10/22/2008

Russell is still THE party animal (no pun intended, Russell). He was up to his usual tricks on the SF Crawl, palling around with the ladies and in general making mischef. Here's a photo of Russell taking a turn on Conch-y (R.I.P.)

Long Live Russell, The Sock Monkey King of Samba!

And Hubert, I wish I could be there for your birthday party. Have a great time!


Haole'akamai posted on 10/23/2008

I drank my morning Tea from my authentic Bavarian stein (it has an actual "mustache catch"!), and then made a trip to The Bavarian Bread Company.

Oh yeah, Socktoberfest had begun!!

mrsmiley posted on 10/25/2008

oops-duplicate post

[ Edited by: mrsmiley 2008-10-25 13:04 ]

mrsmiley posted on 10/25/2008

Lotza beer, food and crazy music was enjoyed by all! -and that didn't even include Squeezebox hero's accordian performance!

Das Biergarten before the storm

the party helpers

Das Graf Zeppelin!

Hubert's Alpen Log

Various Cuckoos!

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Squeezebox Hero's Soctoberfest 08 Hat!

oof-see you all next year!

Mr. Smiley is the most thirstiesterest of
Have a nice Tiki Day!
If you like it,it is ZAZZ! If you don't, give it a RAZZ.
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[ Edited by: mrsmiley 2008-10-25 13:07 ]

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freddiefreelance posted on 10/31/2008

Thread is useless without CHICKEN DANCE PICTURES!

suzanne posted on 10/31/2008

Too Phantastisch - I'm dying.


inkylouise posted on 08/01/2009

Hubert's new Blog for all the latest information on this year's Socktoberfest celebrations.


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Coco Loco posted on 08/01/2009

Barring unforeseen circumstances, we plan to be there. Can't wait to you ya'll! xoxo

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Mai Tai posted on 08/01/2009

Happy Swiss National Day, Hubert!

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mrsmiley posted on 08/19/2009

I can't wait--October 17, 2009!

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sweetpea posted on 08/19/2009

gosh dernit, I'm going to miss hwat looks to be the best party of the year.
I'll be in Vegas, the week before! drat
Hope Hubert has a wunderbar party!

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